command line program that downloads twitch clips from any twitch streamer. can download x clips from y timerange using Java and twitch API.
<client_id> <client_secret> <twitch_channel_name> <#_of_clips_to_download> <starting_date> <ending_date>
example of downloading clips through command line:
java clipUI c3cr5ws4pukjraklk3zmxhoau6bk0i icjtrl292o0jjdc9jm6ojcmu1blj51 forsen 3 2021-06-01 2021-07-29
- downloaded clips will be located at the root directory.
- a new directory will be created for every new streamer.
need twitch client ID / client secret in order to access twitch api.
go to:
from there, fill out the information, and set "OAuth Redirect URLs" as "https://localhost".
click "manage"
click "new secret" to generate cilent secret.
copy down "client ID" and the client secret