Full support documentation and setup guides available here - https://support.dotmailer.com/hc/en-gb/categories/202610368-Magento
This module uses modman
First ensure you have modman installed (see here: https://github.com/colinmollenhour/modman#installation)
and run the following in your magento root:
modman init
modman clone https://github.com/dotmailer/dotmailer-magento-extension.git
Don't forget to enable symlinks in:
System->Configuration->Advanced->Developer->Template Settings
- community & enterprise version.
- current version - config.xml
- also available on Magento Connect link
- Magento >= 1.6.2
You are welcome to contribute to dotmailer for Magento! You can either:
- Report a bug: create a GitHub issue including description, repro steps, Magento and extension version numbers
- Fix a bug: please fork this repo and submit the Pull Request to our Testing branch
- Request a feature on our community forum
- We've changed the validation of new subscribers for automation so that they no longer get enrolled multiple times into the new subscriber program.
- Transactional emails can now be set up at website level.
- We've fixed an order Insight data issue related to the data type for the following fields - "delivery_address" and "billing_address".
- In the case where Magento's double opt-in setting ("Need to confirm") was enabled, we used to import subscribers before they confirmed; this is now fixed.
- We've added a check to ensure that the first abandoned cart email is mapped before doing the send.
- We’ve fixed duplicates for new subscriber automation.
- We’ve fixed the process for abandoned carts when the first one is disabled.
- Subscriber sales data fields no longer get incorrectly synced when multiple store views exist under a single website.
- We’ve introduced new validation when deleting cron job CSV files.
- Page tracking data wasn’t getting sent for North America (region 2) or Asia Pacific (region 3) accounts using the connector; this has been resolved.
- An expiry days value of ‘0’ in the external dynamic content coupon code URL would set the coupon code’s expiration date and time to the coupon code’s creation date and time; this has been fixed.
- We've introduced a new Abandoned cart report table and improved the way we process and send abandoned cart campaigns.
- Customer sales data fields could get mixed up when multiple store views existed under a single website; this has been fixed.
- An error would occur due to the attempted retrieval of a non-object in the newsletter subscription section; this no longer happens.
- Email activity for new customers in the admin panel has now been fixed.
- We fixed an error that would occur when trying to send campaigns with a disabled API connection.
- Customers who registered and then went on to subscribe were getting created twice; this no longer happens.
- For the most purchased custom brand attribute, we've added support for multistore values.
- Syncing sales data for guest subscribers is now optional and is managed with a new setting in 'DOTMAILER' > 'Developer' > 'Import settings'.
- Corrupted and missing payment methods no longer stop the importer from running.
- Removing subscribers now correctly removes them from both the contact table and subscriber address book.
- The duplication of a created contact for a unique guest subscriber is now fixed and no longer happens.
- We've fixed a problem with additional attribute data being included for transactional data related to orders and quotes.
- SMTP logging and configuration path has been fixed.
- We’ve fixed a problem in which store views didn’t exist.
- Bulk order sync now has a delay (of 60 mins) before being imported.
- Trial account enhancements that we’ve already implemented in our Magento 2 connector are now also implemented for Magento 1.
- We’ve fixed the collection filter for flat products.
- External dynamic content wasn’t aligning centrally on mobile devices; it does now.
- Changes in 'Subscriber' status weren't being sent back to Magento from dotmailer; this has been fixed.
- We’ve implemented an IP address change.
- Before creating a contact, an automatic check is made to ensure the API is enabled.
- The class Zend_DB_Expr is now used for columns with expressions.
- We’ve fixed a problem relating to the website ID that’s used when getting a store’s configuration in the helper.
- Unsubscribers from Magento weren’t being removed successfully from the subscriber address book; they are again now(#233).
- Contact datafields weren't getting updated in dotmailer for existing customers in Magento whose data changed; this has been fixed.(#244)
- Code audit 2017.
- Improve the order sync by delaying the import.
- Added R3 IP.
- Subscribers with datafields fixes.
- Email change detection to update the same contact.
- Campaign bulk sync proccessing ids.
- Quote validation for billing/shipping address.
- Increased cURL timeout for TD imports.
- Improve install script running time for updating subscribers.
- Transactional emails only available on global level.
- Revert the finding guest feature.
- Sync sales data fields for guest subscribers
- Orders import with custom options fix.
- Remove Campaign "is_sent" column what is not used anymore.
- Set the correct customer store for "go to cart" link.
- Customer stats email activity.
- Fix the sale coupon rules exception.
- Guest finding and grouping.
- Send email for new account compatibility with >
- Store name populated wrong when using automation for new subscribers.
- Update product visibility for the EDC content.
- EDC table content check fix.
- Double coupon codes generated.
- Strict data type for orders.
- Removed Raygun integration.
- Coupon EDC expiration date. You can set the expiration date for coupon included into the URL
- Improve finding guests. Guest will be added in bulk to the table.
- Add new automation for first customer order event.
- EDC include all product types to have an image and inlcude the price range available for the product.
- EDC fixed the prefix for table names.
- Fix unsubscribeEmail register already exists.
- New installation do not get the customers mark as subscribers.
- Automation program enrollment without unserialized is failing.
- Exclution Rules conditional mapping fix.
- Appcues script will run in admin on connector pages only.
- Improve the index for the email campaing table.
- Allow to include Order multiselect attributes.
- New improved Importer.
- Express account creation.
- Api support region.
- Magento partner programme.
- Transactional data disabled by Transactional Allowance.
- Abandoned carts template.
- Api username obscure validation.
- Update security on get basket content.
- Saving a review in admin.
- Support for dotmailer regions
- Bug fixed for fatal error on manual sync
- Magento code audit changes x3
- Email validation on ajax call
- Run Importer Button.
- Cron timings for diffrent settings to run cronjobs.
- Rule condition for abandoned carts.
- Refactor EDC pages.
- New "Suppressed by you" into suppresion list.
- New suppressed contacts sync.
- More Code Audit changes.
- Audit changes A1 - A14
- Skip website if no store assigned
- Manufacturer attribute
- Raygun - change the title message to non unique
- Exclusion rules ajax call protocol fix
- Abandoned Product Name
- Importer API Enchased
- Add indexes to tables
- Transactional email merged to core
- Order status option source changed
- System log viewer
- Single deletes for importer
- Increased the cron sync times to 15 minutes.
- Magento code audit. Brins a lot of performance and architectural imrovements.
- Fixed fatal error on quote single sync
- Fixed oAuth redirect
- Fixed oAuth disconnect button
- Order sync report column name typo fix
- Removed hidden form fields connector_customer_id and connector_customer_email from customer accouunt additional newsletter management
- Fixed rewrite sendNewAccountEmail function to call parent function with actual params instead of default
- Fixed EDC blocks to load order from registry that was saved in registry from controller. If not found will throws Exception from now.
- Fixed emmail capture fails on one of the email fields if both newsletter and billing email are presented on the same page.
- Fixed voucher styling bug where no style was being loaded from config.
- Fixed contact fields data calculation not working because of status not being an array. Added check if it is an array before start working on it.
- Fixed Page/ROI data Enable config path in xml.
- Fixed callback action fro oAuth. Now we check if returned state is an actual admin that exist in Magento.
- Fixed duplicate review entries. Only approved review will saved for sync.
- Fixed contact sync. Check if manufacturer attribute exist before calling for it otherwise Magento throws an error and sync fails.
- Fixed fatal error while doing single sync. Key does not exist/not an object.
- Fixed rewrite of sendNewAccountEmail function to call parent without default values.
- Fixed OAUTH disconnect link
- Contact sync check if manufacturer attribute exist before pulling value.
- Fixed upgrade script so it does not get skipped
- Added ACL to required controllers
- New Data Importer
- Abandoned cart exclusion rules
- Review request exclusion rules
- Include product attributes in order sync
- Include product custom options in order sync
- Update transactional data for modified orders
- Configure order status used in customer calculations
- Automation Queue Enrolment
- Easy Email capture on newsletter signup
- Campaign stats for customers in admin
- Seperate customer and guest syncs
- Add to cart button for abandoned carts
- Coupon code styling
- Editable "view now" text for EDC pages
- Nosto fallback products
- Queued customer deletion
- Log long API response
- Catalog importer
- Automation enrollment based on order status
- Reset Tables button
- IP restrictions on EDC pages
- Reduced default batch size and more frequent batching
- Custom order attributes not syncing
- Performance improvements to all data syncs
- Performance improvments to data analysis page
- Admin place an order, wrong enviroment
- Update RFM table
- Observers that are hit more then once
- Refactor of the quote sync
- For sync/observer events only if the feature enabled
- Sync quotes only with products in it
- Canceled orders removed the trans data
- ACL for enterprise report tables. Access denied
- Date localization for bestsellers and mostviewed
- Resubscribe subscriber with new status
- Remove the API log table
- Add indexes to tables
- Automation enrollment per website level
- Fix for rec's per item logic for EDC pages
- Transactional email.
- Dashboard display conflict checker.
- Namespace updated to Ddg Automaiton.
- Enterprise version combined.
- Appcues onboarding.
- Raygun control to disable and enable.
- Sweetooth refferal link.
- Custom OAUTH domain/redirect link options.
- Use dotmailer template for transactional emails.
- Wishlist EDC with related, upsell and crosssell.
- Customer trend data.
- Sync limits lowered to 5000 contacts and 200 orders.
- Review is submited before it's approved.
- Abandoned Carts triggered from the "LAST_QUOTE_ID".
- Nosto Integration.
- Easy Email Capture(trademark).
- Reviews.
- Quote recommendations.
- Wishlists.
- Disable Newsletter Success.
- Disable Customer Success.
- Cleaning phpspecs standards.
- Checkout awareness for abandoned carts.
- Compatibility with the older versions 1.6.2(full compatibility).
- Automation Studio fix width and suppress footer.
- Bestsellers will select and filter the sealable items in collection.
- Not enough coupons generated.
- Transactional Emails Refactor.
- System Status Dashboard
- System Status Dashboard.
- RFM Analisys.
- Api Status.
- Raygun Integration.
- Feed for new releases.
- Number of days to delete orders from order created date.
- Abandoned cart limit.
- Log for all API calls.
- Alternative abandoned baskets.
- Mailcheck integration
- Magor Refactoring.
- Cover all the code with testing.
- Automation when subscriber is not imported yet.
- Security improvment for api credentials.
- Campaigns for multi website.
- Mailcheck frontend notice.
- Improve reset subscribers.
- GeoIp redirection for the dynamic content.
- Config table to store related data not to update on every request.
- Improve code for dynamic content.
- Transactional emails refactoring.
- Payment method for orders.
- Check for feature active for disabled accounts.
- Disable sync for not mapped addressbooks.
- App emaulation to match the env the order.
- Subdomain dynamic urls.
- Buttons to run sync services.
- Ajax reset of the contacts for an updated addressbooks.
- Automation Enrolment.
- Sweet Tooth Integration.
- Transactional Emails.
- Auto create data fields needs total refund amount added.
- Add 240 hours onto lost basket 3 both guest and customer.
- Dynamic URLS with no value.
- Transactional data missing product data.
- Orders over 1000 showing 1.
- Automap on website level.
- Single Customer Sync Button
- ROI fix
- Code standards refactoring
- OAUTH & Menu
- Map product attribute-set to transactional data
- Tracking code SSL fix
- Translations update
- Default values update
- Transactional emails enabled fix
- Manully map the customer ID field
- Emails Reports enchase with website id field
- New Order
- New Order for Guest
- Order Update
- Order Update for Guest
- New Invoice
- New Invoice for Guest
- Invoice Update
- Invoice Update for Guest
- New Credit Memo
- New Credit Memo Guest
- Credit Memo Update
- Credit Memo Update for Guest
- New Shipment
- New Shipment for Guest
- Shipment Update
- Shipment Update for Guest
- Customer
- New Customer Account
- Newsletter Dashboard.
- Newsletter Contact.
- Newsletter Orders.
- Newsletter Campaigns.
- Product Recomendations styling.
- TE styling.
- Subscribers reset button.
- Custom datafields.
- New Lost Baskets.
- New SMS Fixes.
- Sync Orders by store.
- Subscribers multiwebsite fix.
- Suppressed contacts for orders.
- Wishlist contact id update fix.
- Suppressed contacts per website.
- Dynamic content for multi-site (multi-currency).
- Transactional data key.
- Reset orders direct query.
- Naming convention for connector compatibility.
- Use the Order statuses to send the SMS.
- Reset subscriber_imported for reimport.
- Suppressed contacts button in admin settings.
- Cleaned the dotmailer_order_imported from db.
- Fix for table prefix names.
- Duplicate email address.
- Website id table update for null values.
- Ignore deleted sales orders from email_order table.
- Dropping number of subscribers from address book.
- Delete transactional data using email address.
- Subscriber Sync - fix the contact id when to unsubscribe.
- Subscriber Sync Empty Request.
- Change the time format for filenames.