Greetings, user.
This is an overview of the setup process. More detailed instruction for each step can be found in the wiki.
- (run this from your /Sites folder!)
- (make sure to replace
<new project name>
with the new repository's name!)
gh repo create paulsenmarketing/<new project name> --template paulsenmarketing/craft-five-boilerplate --private --clone
- create a new database using Sequel Ace
- CD into
<new project name>
- create a local env from an example
- refer to .env comments for filling in environment variables
cd <new project name>
cp .env.example .env
- install Composer dependencies
- generate a new app ID
- generate a new security key
- install craft (follow the prompts!)
composer install
php craft setup/app-id
php craft setup/security key
php craft install
- switch to project Node version
- install NPM packages
- build project
nvm use
npm install
npm run build
- set up fortrabbit project
- copy .env variables and database to Fortrabbit
- add the project as a remote
- push to fortrabbit
git remote add origin <fortrabbit repo url>
git push fortrabbit master
- Add env variables for plugins, S3 bucket storage, etc.
Plugin | Use Case | Documentation Link |
Blitz | Page caching | Docs |
CKEditor | Rich text | Docs |
Embedded Assets | Embedding Videos | Docs |
Formie | User forms | Docs |
ImageOptimize | Image optimization | Docs |
Navigation | Navigation | Docs |
SEOmatic | SEO | Docs |
Plugin | Use Case | Documentation Link |
Alpine | JavaScript framework | Docs |
Tailwind | CSS framework | Docs |
Lucide | Icons | Docs |
FontAwesome | Icons | Docs |
Swiper | Carousel | Docs |
Note that there are additional modifications. To get a full overview of the project dependencies, please the following configuration files:
- ./package.json
- ./composer.json
For an overview on CSS in this project, please review the notes and comments in ./tailwind.config.js as well as ./src/style.css.