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Greetings, user.
This is an overview of the setup process. More detailed instruction for each step can be found in the wiki.


1. Clone template

  • (run this from your /Sites folder!)
  • (make sure to replace <new project name> with the new repository's name!)
gh repo create paulsenmarketing/<new project name> --template paulsenmarketing/craft-five-boilerplate --private --clone

2. Local database

  • create a new database using Sequel Ace

3. Local env

  • CD into <new project name>
  • create a local env from an example
  • refer to .env comments for filling in environment variables
cd <new project name>
cp .env.example .env

4. Local development

  • install Composer dependencies
  • generate a new app ID
  • generate a new security key
  • install craft (follow the prompts!)
composer install
php craft setup/app-id
php craft setup/security key
php craft install

5. NPM

  • switch to project Node version
  • install NPM packages
  • build project
nvm use
npm install
npm run build

6. Fortrabbit

  • set up fortrabbit project
  • copy .env variables and database to Fortrabbit
  • add the project as a remote
  • push to fortrabbit
git remote add origin <fortrabbit repo url>
git push fortrabbit master

6. Next Steps

  • Add env variables for plugins, S3 bucket storage, etc.

Craft Plugins

Plugin Use Case Documentation Link
Blitz Page caching Docs
CKEditor Rich text Docs
Embedded Assets Embedding Videos Docs
Formie User forms Docs
ImageOptimize Image optimization Docs
Navigation Navigation Docs
SEOmatic SEO Docs

NPM Libraries

Plugin Use Case Documentation Link
Alpine JavaScript framework Docs
Tailwind CSS framework Docs
Lucide Icons Docs
FontAwesome Icons Docs
Swiper Carousel Docs

Note that there are additional modifications. To get a full overview of the project dependencies, please the following configuration files:

  • ./package.json
  • ./composer.json

For an overview on CSS in this project, please review the notes and comments in ./tailwind.config.js as well as ./src/style.css.


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