Scrape city districts data and save it to a SQL database.
Provide a simple web interface for editing scraped data.
Note: originally, this was a job interview task. Now it is a playground for trying out tools, frameworks, patterns etc.
Build the development containers:
docker compose build
Install required components:
docker compose run --rm php-fpm composer install
Create the database structure:
docker compose run --rm php-fpm bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force
Run the scraper to populate the database:
docker compose run --rm php-fpm bin/console import --help
docker compose run --rm php-fpm bin/console import
Start the development containers:
docker compose up -d
Open in your browser.
You can set the HTTP_PORT
environment variable to a different port number if
the default conflicts with some other service.
Run tests with:
docker compose run --rm php-fpm composer test
Run static analysis and coding style checks with:
docker compose run --rm php-tools
- replace the validator with Valitron? zend-validator?
- automatically generate forms with zend-form and model annotations?
- pretty HTML / CSS - use a CSS framework