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Pay Theory Android SDK


Pay Theory's Android SDK is available for Android SDK >= 26

Register your application

Register your app in Pay Theory's merchant portal to use Pay Theory Android SDK

For each mobile app, you want to register

  • enter your application package name

  • enter your application description


The Pay Theory Android SDK is now available at Maven Repository

The latest version is available via mavenCentral():

  • Add mavenCentral() to your project level build.gradle file
buildscript {
    repositories {
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.paytheory:pay-theory-android:2.8.0'

Update your app level build.gradle

  • change minSdk version to 26 or higher

  • change targetSdk and compileSdk to 33 or higher

android {
    compileSdk 33
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.example.pay_theory_android_sdk_kotlin_demo"
        minSdk 26
        targetSdk 33
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

        testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"



Add PayTheoryFragment as a fragment in your activity's xml layout file

    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />


Add Payable interface along with its functions to your activity

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() , Payable {

    fun handleSuccess(successfulTransactionResult: SuccessfulTransactionResult){

    fun handleFailure(failedTransactionResult: FailedTransactionResult){

    fun confirmation(confirmationMessage: ConfirmationMessage, transaction: Transaction){

    fun handleError(error: Error){

    fun handleBarcodeSuccess(barcodeResult: BarcodeResult){

    fun handleTokenizeSuccess(paymentMethodToken: PaymentMethodTokenResults){

Set your api key.

private val apiKey = "API_KEY"

Set PayTheoryFragment inside your onCreate method.

val payTheoryFragment = this.supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as PayTheoryFragment

Configure PayTheoryFragment inside your onCreate method.

payTheoryFragment.transact(apiKey = apiKey, amount = 1000)

Additional Configurations

Configurations are modified inside payTheoryFragment.transact() or payTheoryFragment.tokenize() methods.

Note if any configurations are incorrectly set PayTheoryFragment will throw IllegalArgumentException Note if the device's network connection is not available PayTheoryFragment will throw NetworkErrorException

Transaction Type

Optionally set the transaction type

  • by default the SDK provides a simple card input
// debit/credit card fields
transactionType = TransactionType.CARD 
// bank account fields
transactionType = TransactionType.BANK 
// cash/barcode fields
transactionType = TransactionType.CASH 

Account Name

Optionally set the transaction to require the account name input field

  • by default the SDK sets requireAccountName to false
// will include account name field
requireAccountName = true 
// will not include account name field
requireAccountName = false 

Billing Address

Optionally set the transaction to require input fields for a full billing address

  • by default the SDK sets requireBillingAddress to false
// will include billing address fields
requireBillingAddress = true 
// will not include billing address fields
requireBillingAddress = false 


Optionally set the transaction to require a confirmation step

  • by default the SDK sets confirmation to false
// will include a confirmation step 
confirmation = true 
// will not include a confirmation step 
confirmation = false 

Complete Pay Theory transaction after user confirmation

override fun confirmation(confirmationMessage: ConfirmationMessage, transaction: Transaction) {
    if (userAgrees == true) {
        transaction.completeTransfer()  //This will confirm and continue processing the transaction 

Fee Mode

Optionally set the fee mode

  • By default FeeMode.MERCHANT_FEE mode is used, FeeMode.SERVICE_FEE mode is available only when enabled by Pay Theory
//set fee mode as merchant_fee
feeMode = FeeMode.MERCHANT_FEE
//set fee mode as service fee (enabled by Pay Theory)
feeMode = FeeMode.SERVICE_FEE


Optionally track payments with custom metadata, simply add metadata with a HashMap:

//Set optional metadata configuration
val metadata: HashMap<Any,Any> = hashMapOf(
    "studentId" to "student_1859034",
    "courseId" to "course_1859034"

    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    metadata = metadata

Payor Info

Optionally pass additional customer data to Pay Theory.

Use data models PayorInfo and Address from Pay Theory SDK

//Set optional payorInfo configuration
val payorInfo = PayorInfo(
    "[email protected]",
        "10549 Reading Rd",
        "Apt 1",

    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    payorInfo = payorInfo

Payor Id

Optionally set the payor id

  • By default a new payorId is created with payorInfo
//set payor id
    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    payorId = "PAYOR_ID"

Account Code

Optionally set the account code

  • accountCode is tracked for each transaction in Pay Theory portals
//set account code
    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    accountCode = "ACCOUNT_CODE"


Optionally set the reference

  • reference is tracked for each transaction in Pay Theory portals
//set reference
    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    reference = "REFERENCE"

Payment Parameters

Optionally set payment parameters

  • By default your Pay Theory defaulted payment parameter is used for all transactions
//set payment parameter
    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    paymentParameters = "PAYMENT_PARAMETERS"

Invoice Id

Optionally set an invoice id

  • Set an invoice id to submit the transaction for a Pay Theory invoice
//set invoice id
    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    invoiceId = "INVOICE_ID"


Optionally enable receipts

  • By default sendReceipt is set to false
  • The default receipt message will send if receiptDescription is not included
//set invoice id
    apiKey = "API_KEY",
    amount = 1000,
    sendReceipt = true,
    receiptDescription = "School Fees"

Example Configuration

Here is an example on how to use PayTheoryFragment class method transact():

//PayorInfo configuration
val payorInfo = PayorInfo(
    "[email protected]",
        "10549 Reading Rd",
        "Apt 1",

//metadata configuration
val metadata: HashMap<Any,Any> = hashMapOf(
    "studentId" to "student_1859034",
    "courseId" to "course_1859034"

try {
    //PayTheoryFragment configuration for card payments
        apiKey = apiKey,
        amount = 1000,
        transactionType = TransactionType.CARD,
        metadata = metadata,
        payorInfo = payorInfo

} catch (e: Exception) {

Tokenization Requests

Here is an example on how to use PayTheoryFragment class method tokenize():

try {
    //PayTheoryFragment configuration for creating a payment method token
        apiKey = apiKey,
        tokenizationType = TokenizationType.CARD,
        requireAccountName = true,
        requireBillingAddress = true,
        payorInfo = payorInfo,
        metadata = metadata

} catch (e: Exception) {


The transaction results will come back through as these classes:

  • successful card/bank payment result
data class SuccessfulTransactionResult (
    @SerializedName("state") val state: String,
    @SerializedName("amount") val amount: String,
    @SerializedName("brand") val brand: String,
    @SerializedName("last_four") val lastFour: String,
    @SerializedName("service_fee") val serviceFee: String,
    @SerializedName("currency") val currency: String,
    @SerializedName("metadata") val metadata: HashMap<Any, Any>?,
    @SerializedName("receipt_number") val receiptNumber: String,
    @SerializedName("created_at") val createdAt: String,
    @SerializedName("payment_method_id") val paymentMethodId: String,
    @SerializedName("payor_id") val payorId: String,
  • confirmation step result
data class ConfirmationMessage (
    @SerializedName("payment_token") val paymentToken: String,
    @SerializedName("payer_id") val payerId: String?,
    @SerializedName("processor_payment_method_id") val processorPaymentMethodId: String?,
    @SerializedName("merchant_uid") val merchantUid: String?,
    @SerializedName("last_four") val lastFour: String?,
    @SerializedName("first_six") val firstSix: String?,
    @SerializedName("brand") val brand: String?,
    @SerializedName("session_key") val sessionKey: String,
    @SerializedName("processor") val processor: String,
    @SerializedName("expiration") var expiration: String?,
    @SerializedName("idempotency") val idempotency: String,
    @SerializedName("billing_name") val billingName: String?,
    @SerializedName("billing_address") val billingAddress: Address?,
    @SerializedName("amount") val amount: String,
    @SerializedName("currency") val currency: String,
    @SerializedName("fee_mode") val fee_mode: String,
    @SerializedName("fee") var fee: String,
    @SerializedName("processor_merchant_id") val processor_merchant_id: String?,
    @SerializedName("payment_method") val payment_method: String,
    @SerializedName("metadata") val metadata: HashMap<Any, Any>?,
    @SerializedName("pay_theory_data") val pay_theory_data: HashMap<Any, Any>?,
    @SerializedName("payor_info") val payorInfo: PayorInfo?,
    @SerializedName("payor_id") var payor_id: String?,
    @SerializedName("invoice_id") val invoice_id: String?,
    @SerializedName("payment_intent_id") val paymentIntentId: String?,
  • successful barcode request result
data class BarcodeResult (
    @SerializedName("BarcodeUid") val barcodeUid: String,
    @SerializedName("barcodeUrl") val barcodeUrl: String,
    @SerializedName("barcode") val barcode: String,
    @SerializedName("barcodeFee") val barcodeFee: String,
    @SerializedName("Merchant") val merchant: String,
    @SerializedName("mapUrl") val mapUrl : String
  • successful payment method token result
data class PaymentMethodTokenResults (
    @SerializedName("payment_method_id") val paymentMethodId: String,
    @SerializedName("metadata") val metadata: HashMap<Any, Any>?,
    @SerializedName("payor_id") var payor_id: String?,
    @SerializedName("last_four") val lastFour: String?,
    @SerializedName("first_six") val firstSix: String?,
    @SerializedName("brand") val brand: String?,
    @SerializedName("expiration") val expiration: String?,
    @SerializedName("payment_type") val paymentType: String
  • failed card, bank, barcode, and token request results
data class FailedTransactionResult (
    @SerializedName("state") val state: String,
    @SerializedName("brand") val brand: String,
    @SerializedName("last_four") val lastFour: String,
    @SerializedName("receipt_number") val receiptNumber: String,
    @SerializedName("payment_method_id") val paymentMethodId: String,
    @SerializedName("payor_id") val payorId: String,
  • any processing error results
data class Error (
    @SerializedName("reason") val reason: String


If you are using a virtual device for development, it must have google play store installed.


A Java version between 8 and 16 is required to execute Gradle commands.


Feel free to get in touch:


The Pay Theory Android SDK is open source and available under the MIT license. See LICENSE