0.15.0 (2022-03-16)
Bug Fixes
#422 , prevents loading duplicative relationship options (414679d )
#423 , #391 - prevents loading edit views until data initializes (2884654 )
#424 , unable to clear localized property vals (1a05fe4 )
#431 - relationship field not properly fetching option results (6fab8bf )
#454 , withCondition type usability (56c16d5 )
#459 - in Relationship field to multiple collections, when the value is null, options are not populated (#460 ) (a9b83c8 )
#461 (08924a1 )
#464 , graphql upload access control (fd0629e )
adds key to RichText based on initialValue (f710b8c )
adjusts lte and gte types to match docs and codebase (#480 ) (8fc4f7f )
allow jwt to work without csrf in config (4048734 )
autosave (e835cbe )
avoids console 404 on unpublished docs (c7c3418 )
awaits beforeDelete hooks (609b871 )
bug in how find merges drafts (1fb1eaa )
bug with version count (6bf7d82 )
config empty and sparse csrf is now allowed (7e7b058 )
ensures empty hasMany relationships save as empty arrays (08b3e8f )
ensures fetching published doc only retrieves published docs (7841f2a )
ensures multipart/form-data using _payload flattens field data before sending (ae44727 )
ensures nested lists always render properly (20e5dfb )
ensures overrideAccess is false if undefined while populating (97f3178 )
ensures revision hooks await promises (f56bbe8 )
ensures revisions retain all locales (f246252 )
ensures rte upload is populated when only upload is enabled (39438b8 )
ensures unique is not set within revisions collections (b13615f )
ensures VersionCount is accurate (7569811 )
ensures versions have proper data (0ba508a )
further sanitize serverURL to prevent undefined in admin routes (#481 ) (24aa475 )
import path for createRichTextRelationshipPromise (586cd4d )
improperly typed local create method (48aa27c )
improves version config sanitization (fc24485 )
mobile styling to not found page (d3f88a1 )
new slate version types (c5de01b )
optimizes relationship input search querying (7e69fcb )
prevents None from appearing in hasMany relationship select options (cbf43fa )
rare crash with link rte element (f5535f6 )
removes required from versions status field (03c8445 )
rte upload field population (8327b5a )
type error in useField (ef4e6d3 )
uses replace instead of push to autocreate a doc (a7ecada )
version where input type (a5c8ea4 )
#458 , provides field hooks with sibling data (8e23a24 )
abstracts revisions components for reuse in globals (da5684d )
add before and after login components (#427 ) (5591eea )
add local api for versions on globals (4072e7e )
add logMockCredentials email option (ff33453 )
add pagination argument to optimize graphql relationships and use in local api (#482 ) (647db51 )
adds a way to customize express.static options (dbb3c50 )
adds admin.upload.collections[collection-name].fields to the RTE to save specific data on upload elements (3adf44a )
adds autosave to versions table (14e5d09 )
adds base revision fields (6ed11a5 )
adds indentation controls to rich text (7df50f9 )
adds most recently published comparison doc (1e093e1 )
adds originalDoc to field access control (c979513 )
adds path to GraphQL errors (#457 ) (ad98b29 )
adds recursion to richText field to populate relationship and upload nested fields (42af22c )
adds restore revisions to collections (5eea398 )
adds stepnav to revisions template (a589877 )
allow empty string radio and select option values (#479 ) (f14e187 )
allows access control to prevent reading of drafts (c38470c )
allows global access control to return query constraints (c0150ae )
allows select input to receive new options (#435 ) (500fb1c )
allows selection of revisions in certain locales to compare (f572230 )
attempts to render rich text diffs more appropriately (7bd60b5 )
builds a way for multipart/form-data reqs to retain non-string values (65b0ad7 )
builds a way for multipart/form-data reqs to retain non-string values (4efc2cf )
builds autosave into existing update operation (de48f44 )
builds global publishVersion (7397d63 )
builds group and iterable diffs (bddaefd )
builds remainder of diff field types (a479770 )
builds revert to saved, unpublish (160ab54 )
builds revisions list view (1920a93 )
builds revisions models (0686126 )
creates global revisions (ec82b92 )
disables LeaveWithoutSaving if autosave enabled (01d07bc )
enhances rich text upload with custom field API (0e4eb90 )
ensures field hooks run on all locales when locale=all (c3f743a )
ensures revisions are created and deleted accordingly (8df767e )
exposes data arg within create and update access control (73f418b )
exposes FieldWithPath type for reuse (df3a836 )
exposes useLocale for reuse (bef0206 )
finishes revision restore (0e093bf )
functional autosave (e910d89 )
further revisions views (740d6b1 )
GraphQL version collection resolvers (7cfb2f7 )
implements versions in global ui (eb4f957 )
implements versions in globals, adds tests (a59b14b )
improve code coverage for graphql versions (26b13a8 )
improves adding rich text voids to RTE (966c3c6 )
improves relationship field performance (13318ff )
improves rich text link (2e9a4c7 )
improves versions UI count and list view (e81ba84 )
indexes filenames (07c8ac0 )
merges back in logic for non draft versions and draft versions (ed8abd9 )
optimization of unpublish, revert to saved (4e773c7 )
progress to Autosave (13add58 )
progress to draft types (b59bb0b )
progress to drafts (be1da85 )
progress to restore revision (2e946a0 )
progress to revision restore (210488b )
progress to saving drafts manually (71c49bc )
removes mongoose required (4fbddee )
renames revisions to versions (3a71afb )
renders diffs (245e12e )
reorders version creation (cd0e172 )
revision access control config (ac53bac )
rich text indent PoC (2deed8b )
scaffold of individual Revision view (40f93e9 )
scaffolds admin revisions (7253710 )
scaffolds drafts / autosave config (066b593 )
scaffolds new revisions operations and rest routes (4a445f0 )
scaffolds revisions tests (fbbe590 )
serverURL is no longer required (#437 ) (dca90c4 )
styles multiple collection actions (0463982 )
tests & autosave improvements (7220ff7 )
updates dependencies (3ca3f53 )
uses debounce in autosave (ee9cd24 )
uses DocumentInfo to fetch and maintain doc versions (8f30c3b )
wires up restore (189bc21 )
working autosave (c62707c )
working drafts (b00517e )
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