Release 1.10.0
1.10.0 (2023-06-20)
Bug Fixes
- #2831, persists payloadAPI through local operations that accept req (85d2467)
- #2842, querying number custom ids with in (116e9ff)
- default sort with near operator (#2862) (99f3809)
- deprecate min/max in exchange for minRows and maxRows for relationship field (#2826) (0d8d7f3)
- drawer close on backspace (#2869) (a110ba2)
- drawer fields are read-only if opened from a hasMany relationship (#2843) (542b536)
- fields in relationship drawer not usable #2815 (#2870) (8626dc6)
- mobile loading overlay width #2866 (#2867) (ba9d633)
- near query sorting by distance and pagination (#2861) (1611896)
- relationship field query pagination (#2871) (ce84174)
- slow like queries with lots of records (4dd703a)