2.0.14 (2023-10-30)
Bug Fixes
adds null to non-required field unions (#3870 ) (7e919aa )
checks for user before accessing properties in preferences update operation(#3844 ) (24eab3a )
db-mongodb: improve find query performance (#3836 ) (56e58e9 ), closes #3904
db-mongodb: versions pagination (#3875 ) (4f2b080 )
disable webpack hot reload on production (#3891 ) (422c803 )
duplicate document copying to incorrect locale (#3874 ) (89f273b )
enables nested AND/OR queries (#3834 ) (237eebd )
ensure serverURL has string value for getBaseUploadFields function (#3900 ) (c564a83 )
ensures compare-version select field cannot be cleared (#3901 ) (42d8d11 )
error handling when duplicating documents fails (#3873 ) (435eb62 )
generate new block ids on create (#3871 ) (3404bab )
global permissions for live preview (#3854 ) (3032e0b )
handles null & undefined relationship field values in versions view (#3609 ) (115e592 )
incorrect duplication of data in admin ui (#3907 ) (46fc41c )
only apply focal manipulation when necessary (#3902 ) (a4f36aa )
graphql query errors transaction race condition (#3795 ) (dc13b10 )
removes conditional return of formattedEmails in sendEmail hook #26 (#28 ) (e8458f8 )
resize image if no aspect ratio change (#3859 ) (f53b713 )
richtext-*: type issues with typescript strict mode enabled (dac9514 )
richtext-lexical: Blocks node incorrectly marked as client module (35f00fa )
richtext-lexical: remove unnecessary dependencies (fixes #3889 ) (760565f )
set date to 12UTC for default, dayOnly and monthOnly fields (#3887 ) (d393225 )
store resized image on req or tempFilePath (#3883 ) (6c5d525 )
unique field error handling (#3888 ) (4d8d4c2 )
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