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The payshares-base library is the lowest-level payshares helper library. It consists of classes to read, write, hash, and sign the xdr structures that are used in paysharesd.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'payshares-base'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install payshares-base

Also requires libsodium. Installable via brew install libsodium on OS X.


Examples are here

In addition to the code generated from the XDR definition files (see ruby-xdr for example usage), this library also provides some payshares specific features. Let's look at some of them.

We wrap rbnacl with Payshares::KeyPair, providing some payshares specific functionality as seen below:

# Create a keypair from a payshares secret seed
signer = Payshares::KeyPair.from_seed("s3QkY97wSa5KTE5zdUHKk7aoyM5Bm1ySzV7bgkCdRLpGK7ptRu6")

# Create a keypair from a payshares address
verifier = Payshares::KeyPair.from_address("xa2hhPxPwi4gyQVPsTUMmWgb4eBkDN8SJA")

# Produce a payshares compliant "decorated signature" that is compliant with payshares transactions

signer.sign_decorated("Hello world!") # => #<Payshares::DecoratedSignature ...>

This library also provides an impementation of base58 and base58check encoding, with support for the bitcoin and payshares alphabets:

b58 = Payshares::Util::Base58.payshares

encoded = b58.encode("\x00\x00\x00") # => "ggg"
b58.decode(encoded) # => "\x00\x00\x00"

# we can also use check encoding

b58.check_encode(:account_id, "\x00\x00\x00") # => "gggghbdQd2"
b58.check_encode(:seed, "\x00\x00\x00") # => "aX9UTew55Eh"

# To prevent interpretation mistakes, you must pass the expected version byte
# when decoding a check_encoded value

encoded = b58.check_encode(:account_id, "\x00\x00\x00")
b58.check_decode(:account_id, encoded) # => "\x00\x00\x00"
b58.check_decode(:seed, encoded) # => throws ArgumentError: Unexpected version: :account_id


The current integration of user-written code with auto-generated classes is to put it nicely, weird. We intend to segregate the auto-generated code into its own namespace and refrain from monkey patching them. This will happen before 1.0, and hopefully will happen soon.


Please see for details.