This is the official repository for the practical sessions of unit ECE4078 (Intelligent Robotics).
- A new folder containing the notebook to be used during the week's lecture will be uploaded the day before the lecture (Monday night at the lastest).
- You will be asked to submit the solution to the week's programming exercises by the Monday 11:55pm before the next lecture at the latest (e.g., Week 03 notebooks are to be submitted on Monday of Week 04). Submissions will be done through Moodle.
- Your submision must follow this naming convention: [Student_ID]_Practical[WeekNumber].ipynb (e.g., pcar6547_Practical01.ipynb).
- There is total of 10 points per week.
- You will gain one point for each correct Flux question answered during the lectures. The maximum number of Flux points per week is 4pts.
- The remaining points are distributed among the programming exercises to complete for that week.
- All programming exercises will be graded automatically. Please make sure to not change the names of the functions you are asked to complete. Verify that each function returns the expected value type and format.