CWL-defined pipeline for using IDR to produce a set of peaks given two replicate eCLIP peaks
Perl scripts:
- perl=5.10.1
- Statistics::Basic
- Statistics::Distributions
- Statistics::R IDR:
- IDR=2.0.2
- python=3.4
- numpy=1.11.3
- scipy=0.13.0 Other:
- python=3.4
- cwl=1.0
- (For YEOLAB:
module load eclipidrmergepeaks/0.1.0
- run and source the
bash script - install perlbrew: (skip if you want to use your system perl)
- install perl modules:
cpan install Statistics::Basic
cpan install Statistics::Distributions
cpan install Statistics::R
- install IDR
- install CWL
- Normalize CLIP BAM over INPUT for each replicate (overlap_peakfi_with_bam_PE.cwl)
- Peak compression/merging on input-normalized peaks for each replicate (compress_l2foldenrpeakfi_for_replicate_overlapping_bedformat_outputfull.cwl)
- Entropy calculation on CLIP and INPUT read probabilities within each peak for each replicate (make_informationcontent_from_peaks.cwl)
- Reformat *.full files into *.bed files for each replicate (full_to_bed.cwl)
- Run IDR on peaks ranked by entropy (idr.cwl)
- Calculates summary statistics at different IDR cutoffs (parse_idr_peaks.cwl)
- Normalize CLIP BAM over INPUT using new IDR peak positions (overlap_peakfi_with_bam_PE.cwl)
- Identifies reproducible peaks within IDR regions (get_reproducing_peaks.cwl)
(see the examples/merge_peaks_1input.yaml or examples/merge_peaks_2inputs.yaml manifest file for a full example). Below is a description of all fields required to be filled out in the manifest file:
First, use the example template to fill out the names and paths pertaining to your samples. The shebang "#!" line will depend on your experimental setup (either 2 replicates with 2 corresponding inputs, or 2 replicates normalized over 1 input).
This should match what was used to call CLIPper peaks.
species: hg19
BAM file containing the merged-barcode (read 2 only) PCR-deduped CLIP reads mapping to the genome for Replicate 1. Replace "rep1" with a unique ID for each rep1.
- name: "rep1"
class: File
path: /home/centos/peCLIP_inputs/ENCFF994WPX.r2.bam
BAM file containing the merged-barcode (read 2 only) PCR-deduped INPUT reads mapping to the genome for Replicate 1.
class: File
path: /home/centos/peCLIP_inputs/ENCFF590UCY.r2.bam
BED file containing the called peak clusters for Replicate 1 Output from either CLIPPER or input-normed peaks. This pipeline will perform input norm internally for you, so it won't really matter which file you use.
class: File
path: /home/centos/peCLIP_inputs/ENCFF639MYI.bed6
BAM file containing the merged-barcode (read 2 only) PCR-deduped CLIP reads mapping to the genome for Replicate 2. Replace "rep2" with a unique ID for each rep2.
- name: "rep2"
class: File
path: /home/centos/peCLIP_inputs/ENCFF154BQS.r2.bam
BAM file containing the merged-barcode (read 2 only) PCR-deduped INPUT reads mapping to the genome for Replicate 2.
class: File
path: /home/centos/peCLIP_inputs/ENCFF590UCY.r2.bam
BED file containing the called peak clusters for Replicate 2 Output from CLIPPER or input-normed peaks. This pipeline will perform input norm internally for you.
class: File
path: /home/centos/peCLIP_inputs/ENCFF664WCU.bed6
Merged reproducible peaks are reported as:
Where rep1
and rep2
are the user-defined names in the manifest.
- Ensure that the yaml file is accessible and that wf_get_reproducible_eclip_peaks.cwl is in your $PATH.
- Type:
- merged_peaks_bed: this is the BED6 file containing reproducible peaks as
determined by entropy-ordered peaks between two replicates.
- chrom
- start
- end
- minimum of the -log10 p-value between two replicates (coolumn 4)
- geomean of the log2 fold changes (column 5)
- strand This is probably what will be useful.
- *.full files: these tabbed outputs have the following columns (in order):
- chromosome
- start
- end
- name (colon separated region)
- reads in CLIP
- reads in INPUT
- p-value
- chi value or (F)isher
- (F)isher or (C)hi square test
- enriched or depleted
- negative log10p value (400 if above certain threshold)
- log2 fold change
- entropy
- idr.out: output from IDR
- idr.out.bed: output from IDR as a bed file
- *.custombed: contains individual replicate information. The headers are:
- IDR region (entire IDR identified reproducible region)
- peak (reproducible peak region)
- geomean of the l2fc
- rep1 log2 fold change
- rep2 log2 fold change
- rep1 -log10 pvalue
- rep2 -log10 pvalue
- The current conda version of perl installed using
will install perl v5.22.0, which is different from the version tested on TSCC (5.10.1). Since 5.18, there have been slight changes resulting in hash keys being accessed in a non-deterministic way. Installing 5.22.0 will result in minor changes from the reference, but will otherwise give similar outputs. Included is a
which will attempt to install perl 5.10.1, which will give you deterministic results. - Custombed files are staged for deprecation, we don't usually use this.