functions for ecog data analysis
See example notebooks in pearsonlab/ecog_data_analysis_notebooks for best examples of analysis workflow.
See comments in file for specifics about different functions/class.
Class Data has the majority of the functions for analysis, while subclasses (e.g. ToM_Localizer) have task-specific parameters.
- Calling e.g. ToM_Localizer class
- accepts "patient_num" : an integer value assigned to each patient (usually in #2000s)
- searches for analysis.json files with parameters for:
- Patient
- Task
- Parameter files contain directory information for patients, event information and locations of relevant files.
- Does following automatically:
- Loads physiology data (ecog- fif/edf file)
- Loads behavioral data (task - json file)
- Loads trigger data (task/ecog - csv file)
- Combines behavioral data and triggers
- Defines events for MNE
- Checks directories (for saving image files)
- Sets triggers (task/class-specific) to differentiate conditions
- Additional functions within Data Class:
- Remove_irrelevant_channels – helpful for looping through all channels and not having Event, EKG or Stim channels in averages.
- accepts list of channels to remove or removes default irrelevant channels
- Initialize_epochs_object – used for creating epochs objects (loads data automatically)
- accepts channels of interest and any kwargs used by MNE Epochs
- saves epochs object as data.epochs
- create_evoked - used for creating evoked objects
- accepts "condition" from event_id list (as string)
- returns evoked object and saves object to data.evoked_list
- compute_power - used to calculate power with tfr_morlet
- accepts "condition" and all kwargs for tfr_morlet
- out-dated : better to use tfr_multitaper
- compute_diff_power - used to calculate ratio of two TF objects
- accepts two TF objects
- returns combined (one/two) TF object
- Remove_irrelevant_channels – helpful for looping through all channels and not having Event, EKG or Stim channels in averages.