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Setting up a display computer for tasks

John Pearson edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 7 revisions

Setting up a display computer

Notes on what I did to get the new display computer up and running:

  1. Disable fast startup on Windows (link)
  2. Installed Ubuntu from a flash drive
  3. Under Settings > Appearance, make sure screen never switches off, sleeps, or goes to lock mode automatically.
  4. Set up Git
  • required apt-get install git
  • I generated an ssh key for Pearsonlab-Bot
  1. Use git to clone task repositories
  • Note: be sure to clean up any hidden files in the movies subdirectory of the tasks. Files like ._some_movie_name.mp4 are not real movie files, but some tasks try to read these and will crash.

Installing PsychoPy:

This was an unexpected pain.

  1. I followed the directions for Ubuntu
  2. But the NeuroDebian package did not instal MoviePy so...
  3. pip install moviepy
  4. But the stim movies didn't play so...
  5. open said movies from default movie player, which prompted me to install gstreamer plugin
  6. At some point in this sequence, I had to go into settings and change the audio library from ['pyo', 'pygame'] to ['pygame', 'pyo']. Something about a server not booted error.

Getting the joystick to work with PsychoPy

This issue should be fixed in the next release of PsychoPy (1.84.0)

  1. I kept getting a funky error about not being able to import pyglet.base.input. I think this is because the pyglet installed by NeuroDebian is too new, and that submodule no longer exists.
  2. So I had to go in and comment out this line
  • comments say that the window and joystick backend should match, but I had no problem using a pyglet window