Customized assessment tool for Oracle Databases.
Main purposes:
- Execute SQL (1 col),
- write in SQLite3 database,
- output to JSON, XLSX, etc
- upload to cloud storage (Azure, etc)
Compiled software and example files in "./dist" folder.
- Use secrets.json.template to create a secrets.json file containing connect data
- Run secretsStore exec file to get help generating a salt key binary file and an encrypted file based on secrets.json file - If needed, it's possible to create one secrets-file per organization or context. ex: "secrets-cocacola-prd, secrets-cocacola-dev, secrets-vitoriafc-dev"
- Use queries.json.template to create a queries.json file containing Queries metadata
- Save a secrets.json copy in a secret and safe place (Keepass file outside the server?)
- ExpectedValOperator in queries.json can be use as following:
- equal (compare two variables)
- less (compare two numbers)
- greater (compare two numbers)
- or (check if string exists. example: Use "Linux|AIX" to check if operating system is "Linux" or "AIX"
- Run getData_orcl exec file to get Oracle data based on queries.json metadata and save it to a local SQLite3 database file - It's recommended to create one queries file per load context. Ex: "SVC-ORCL-BCKP-ASSESSMENT.json"
- Run outputJSON exec file to write data into JSON files **- It's recommended to output data to a folder with the same name as queries.json file. Ex: For SVC-ORCL-ASSESSMENT.json, use ./SVC-ORCL-ASSESSMENT/"
- Run uploadAZURE exec file to upload data into Azure Blob Storage - Source folder, with the same name as queries.json file, Ex: "./SVC-ORCL-BCKP-ASSESSMENT/", will be created in Azure Blob Container
python modules: pip install pyinstaller, getopt, sys, cryptography, os, json, sqlite3, datetime, cx_Oracle, cryptography
V_ENV activator:
- Windows: ./scripts/activate.bat
- Gnu/Linux:
- . ./scripts/activate
Build EXE files: ./build.bat
TO DO: MAX MED [ ] Possibilidade de enviar .csv em vez de json LOW [ ] Guardar connections.conn no sqlite
Write XLSX
Enrich loads.json -- adicionar SELECT's para trazer dados. O assessment em si.
Adicionado Fail_Msg para mensagens de falha personalizadas e embutidas na query
Tool encrypt/decrypt JSONs - secretStore.exe
Connections encrypted JSON file
Loads JSON file
Get Oracle Data (getData_orcl.exe)
Write data to SQLite3 (database.db)
Write JSON
Output (sample): {
"Date": "02/22/22 14:59:55",
"Label": "Produção",
"Describe": "Agent Alerts",
"Context": "Testing Agent Alerts Severity exists",
"Name": "Severity 25 Alert should have a notification",
"Database": null,
"ComputerName": "",
"Instance": "\DB001",
"Result": "Failed",
"FailureMessage": "Expected $true, because Should notify by Agent notifications, but got $false."
"Fail_Msg": "Expected $true, please change to $expected."
\ -
Load Azure --
Melhorias Load Azure --
- ainda nao move para "uploaded"
- validar em storage em uso
- correr em Gnu/Linux
funçao operator + operator no json: - [x] json query: compareOperator - [x] greater, less, equal, or
Log de atividade para poder tratar as falhas (getData)
Possibilidade de RegExp nas Queries
Possibilidade de conectar AS SYSDBA com "Mode": "SYSDBA" no JSON de ligação
Adicionar try/catch de query falhada no getData (for loadar in GetLoads(loadsFile): cursor = connection.cursor() )