This Tool processes semistructured Feratel Data and produces annotated Data. Results are then uploaded to Semantify.
This Tool is based on RML (RDF Mapping Language) and is using RML-Mapper to process data.
First RML-Mapper has to be cloned and built. Afterwards app.js has to be copied into the folder RML-Mapper and set up. This repository is made to show off the needed folder structure!
git clone --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
Copy app.js to RML-Mapper and run
npm install
Feratel Web API Request files are stored in /XMLRequestData. Contact Feratel for additional information.
Feratel Web API Response files are stored in /Feratel. RML Files are stored in /RMLFiles.
Output is generated to /RMLOutput in .n3 format and is converted to JSON-LD Data into the folder /JSONLD.
node app.js <website_uid> <website_secret>
To upload jsonld data to, an Website UID and Website Secret is needed and has to be passed either throw argument, or in the code itself.
- RML-Mapper - RML Processor
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Node - Node JS
- rdf-translator API - N3 to JSONLD Translator
- Maximilian Peintner - Initial work Supervisor: Elias Kaerle MSC. Github Semantic Technology Institute Innsbruck