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Should work on multiple platforms (and hopefully
several versions/distros of Linux).

I've merged ideas from Flavio and Florian:
- switched to a Python script (instead of Bash) to support different platforms
- switched (for now) to building wxpython on linux instead of searching for the wheel. Hope to add that back as a faster option later

For now this suggests creating a virtual env and suggests using py3.10 but none of that is enforced and we don't help (e.g. installing the correct python). We could look at that for future improvements. Should be able to execute this using:

python3.10 -m venv psychopy_env3.10
source psychopy_env3.10/bin/activate
  • Loading branch information
peircej committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent 7f633fe commit f9bdc5d
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 179 deletions.
281 changes: 102 additions & 179 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,186 +1,109 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
## python script to install psychopy including dependencies

import os, sys
import pathlib
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import requests

"""This script will install PsychoPy to the current Python environment.
For Linux installations, the script will fetch the supported linux distros for wxPython
and interactively select the distro and version to download the appropriate .whl file.
After that the script will install PsychoPy using pip.
NB: At present, for windows and MacOS you may as well just use `pip install psychopy` but
in the future we may add some additional functionality here, like adding application
shortcuts, checking/recommending virtual envs etc.

# Author: Florian Osmani
# Author: Jonathan Peirce

wxLinuxUrl = ""

def installWhlFile(whlUrl):
"""Installs a single specified wheel file using pip"""
wheel_path = os.path.basename(whlUrl)[sys.exectuable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-U', '-f', wheel_path, 'wxPython'], check=True)

def installPsychoPy():
"""Runs pip install psychopy"""[sys.exectuable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'psychopy'], check=True)

def getWxUrl(distroNames=None):
"""Fetch the supported linux distros for wx and interactively select the
distro and version to download the appropriate .whl file.
distroNames (_type_, optional): _description_. Defaults to None.
list: URL of the wheel for the selected distro/version
def extractDistroNames(url):
"""Extract the names of the linux distributions from the html content"""

response = requests.get(url)

distro_names = []
lines = response.text.split('\n')
for line in lines:
if '<a href="' in line and '/"' in line:
start_index = line.find('<a href="') + len('<a href="')
end_index = line.find('/"', start_index)
distro_name = line[start_index:end_index]
return distro_names

def saveDistroData(distro_names, filename):
"""Saves text file with distro names if needed for future use"""
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
for distro_name in distro_names:
file.write(distro_name + '\n')

def getWxSupportedDistros(outfile=None):
"""Find all the linux distributions tha twxPython has wheels for"""
distro_names = extractDistroNames(wxLinuxUrl)
if outfile:
saveDistroData(distro_names, outfile)
print(f"Distro data saved to {outfile}")
return distro_names

if distroNames is None:
distroNames = getWxSupportedDistros()
version_info = sys.version_info
if version_info.minor < 8 or version_info.minor > 10:
print("Sorry, please use Python 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10 to install Psychopy")
return None

python_cp = f"cp{version_info.major}{version_info.minor}"

def selectDistro(distroNames):
print("Please select your Linux distribution:")
for i, distro in enumerate(distroNames):
print(f"{i + 1}. {distro}")

while True:
choice = input("Enter your choice (number): ")
if choice.isdigit() and 1 <= int(choice) <= len(distroNames):
return distroNames[int(choice) - 1]
import platform

_linux_installer = None # will be apt-get or yum depending on system

"This `` script is EXPERIMENTAL and may not work!"
" PsychoPy users have many different systems and it's hard to maintain them all. "
" Let us know how you get on!\n"
if sys.version_info[:2] != (3,10):
"PsychoPy is designed for Python 3.10.x "
f"You are running Python {sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}.{sys.version_info[2]}. "
"PsychoPy may not work and may not even install!\n"

"This `` script is EXPERIMENTAL and may not work!"
" PsychoPy users have many different systems and it's hard to maintain them all. "
" Let us know how you get on!\n"

def pip_install(*packages):
"""Install packages using pip."""
print('Installing packages:', packages)[sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--upgrade'] + list(packages))

def check_venv():
"""Check if this is a virtual environment. If not, recommend quitting and creating one.
# If this is not a venv then recommend quitting to create one
if not hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
'You should install PsychoPy in a virtual environment,'
' to avoid conflicts with other packages, or damaging your system.'
' To create a virtual environment in the current directory, run:')
print(' python3 -m venv .')
print('Then activate the virtual environment with:')
print(' source bin/activate')
print('Then run this script again.')
response = input('Shall we QUIT now? [y]/n: ')
if response.lower() != 'n':

def apt_install(*packages):
"""Install packages using apt, yum, or similar"""
global _linux_installer
# check if using this system has apt-get or yum
if _linux_installer is None:
for installer in ['apt', 'yum', 'dnf', 'zypper', 'apt-cyg']:
out =['which', installer], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if out.returncode == 0:
_linux_installer = installer
if _linux_installer is None:
print('On Linux systems, this script requires either apt-get or yum.')

def find_package(package):
# check pacakage name according to apt/yum
packages_lookup = {
'python3-dev': {'apt':'libgtk-3-dev', 'yum':'gtk3-devel'},
'libgtk-3-dev': {'apt':'libgtk-3-dev', 'yum':'gtk3-devel'},
'libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev': {'apt':'libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev', 'yum':'webkit2gtk3-devel'},
'libxcb-xinerama0': {'apt':'libxcb-xinerama0', 'yum':'libxcb-xinerama'},
'libegl1-mesa-dev': {'apt':'libegl1-mesa-dev', 'yum':'mesa-libEGL-devel'},
if package in packages_lookup:
if _linux_installer in packages_lookup[package]:
return packages_lookup[package][_linux_installer]
print("Invalid choice, please try again.")

def organizeDistributions(distroNames):
distroDict = {}
for distro in distroNames:
nameParts = distro.split('-')
distroName = '-'.join(nameParts[:-1])
version = nameParts[-1] if len(nameParts) > 1 else 'default'

if distroName in distroDict:
distroDict[distroName] = [version]

return distroDict

def selectVersion(selectedDistro, versions):
while True:
print("Please select the version:")
for i, version in enumerate(versions):
print(f"{i + 1}. {selectedDistro}-{version}")
print("0. Go back")

choice = input("Enter your choice (number): ")
if choice.isdigit():
choice = int(choice)
if 1 <= choice <= len(versions):
return versions[choice - 1]
elif choice == 0:
return None
print("Invalid choice, please try again.")

def fetchWhlFiles(htmlContent, pythonVersions):
all = []
recommended = []
lines = htmlContent.split('\n')
for line in lines:
if '<a href="' in line and '.whl"' in line:
start_index = line.find('<a href="') + len('<a href="')
end_index = line.find('"', start_index)
whl_file = line[start_index:end_index]
if pythonVersions in line:
return recommended, all

organizedDistros = organizeDistributions(distroNames)

# go through the process of selecting the distro and version and
# return the url of the .whl file when the user has decided
while True:
selectedDistro = selectDistro(list(organizedDistros.keys()))
print(f"You have selected the distribution: {selectedDistro}")

selectedVersion = selectVersion(selectedDistro, organizedDistros[selectedDistro])
if selectedVersion is None:
print("Going back to distro selection...")

print(f"You have selected version: {selectedDistro}-{selectedVersion}")

distroUrl = f"{wxLinuxUrl}{selectedDistro}-{selectedVersion}/"
print(f"Found valid .whl files at: {distroUrl}")

response = requests.get(distroUrl)
htmlThisDistro = response.text

recommended, all = fetchWhlFiles(htmlThisDistro, pythonVersions=python_cp)

if recommended:
return distroUrl + recommended[-1]
return packages_lookup[package]['yum'] # default to yum for dnf, zypper, apt-cyg
if all:
print(f"No .whl files for python {python_cp}")
allPretty = '\n- '+('\n- '.join(all))
print(f"Found the following .whl files at {distroUrl}:{allPretty}")
print(f"No .whl files found at {distroUrl}")
return package
packages = [find_package(p) for p in packages]

print('Installing packages (will require sudo):', packages)['sudo', _linux_installer, 'update'])['sudo', _linux_installer, 'install', '-y'] + list(packages))

if __name__ == "__main__":
# install wxPython
wxWhl = getWxUrl() # for linux fetches the supported distros and interactively selects the distro and version
if wxWhl:

# then install the rest of psychopy
# Check/install builds requirements
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
# Install system dependencies
'python3-dev', # need dev in case of compiling C extensions
'libgtk-3-dev', 'libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev', # for wxPython
'libxcb-xinerama0', 'libegl1-mesa-dev', # for OpenGL needs
'git', # for push/pull to Pavlovia
pip_install('-U', 'pip', 'setuptools', 'attrdict')
print("Next we build wxPython (from source) which takes the longest time."
" The rest of the installation will automatically continue after and be"
" much faster.")

# Install PsychoPy using pip

print("\nPsychoPy has been installed (or at least attempted). You can now try run it by typing:")
print(" psychopy")
print(" python -m")
print("You may need to activate the virtual environment first though.")

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