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template typescript application with a web, mobile, and desktop app

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Template typescript application with a web, mobile, and desktop app.

Built with Next.js, Expo, Tauri, tRPC, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, and Neon DB.


  • this repo contains the following apps, remove any you don't intend to use
    • mobile: apps/mobile
    • desktop: apps/desktop
    • web: apps/web
  • remove references to any removed apps from tsconfig.json
  • find/replace ptat with your app name
  • find/replace with your org domain
  • find/replace com.example with your org reverse domain
  • consider replacing license in package.json
  • ./bin/dev setup


  • setup app icon
    • create app icon (expo provides a figma template and icon best practises here:
    • replace files in apps/mobile/assets/images/ (with files exported from figma)
      • adaptive-icon.png
      • icon.png
      • splash.png
    • replace mobile icon/splash background color in apps/mobile/app.json
      • .expo.splash.backgroundColor


  • setup app icon

    • create favicon.ico from your app icon (many tools exist online to do this): apps/web/src/app/favicon.ico
  • setup sops (for encrypted env vars)

    • create secret key

      declare name='ptat'
      # create key
      age-keygen -o "${HOME}/${name}.private"
      # save secret key to global sops config
      declare sops_age_dir="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/sops/age"
      mkdir -p "$sops_age_dir"
      cat "${HOME}/${name}.private" >> "${sops_age_dir}/keys.txt"
    • save secret key to your password manager (so you don't lose it, and can share with your team)

      • replace your password manager below in readme with the name of your password manager (ie. 1password) as well as updating the associated link to point at the shared secret key
    • replace age-key in .sops.yaml with your public key

    • create production env file: dev env edit prod (or in vscode: EDITOR='code --wait' dev env edit prod)

      DATABASE_URL: postgres://ptat:password@localhost:5432/ptat
      # NOTE: you can append `_unencrypted` to keys which you don't want encrypted
    • create preview env file: dev env edit preview (or in vscode: EDITOR='code --wait' dev env edit preview)

      # NOTE: DATABASE_URL & APP_URL are generated dynamically for the preview env and don't need to be here, thus you can just enter `{}` until you have actual envs to enter
    • commit new secret files

  • setup github actions secrets (for deploy script)

  • setup github actions vars (for deploy script)

    NOTE: we setup these values as vars because they show up in urls/etc, so it's pretty annoying if they get masked out

    • NEON_PROJECT_ID (in your project's Settings
    • NEON_DATABASE_USERNAME (ie. the name of one of your projects roles)
    • VERCEL_SCOPE (your vercel team, or personal account name)
  • setup neon db

    • create a database in your project neonctl databases create --name ptat
    • update the database name in bin/dev's dev::db::prod function (if you haven't already)


  • setup app icon
    • generate desktop icons
      cd apps/desktop
      npx tauri icon ~/Downloads/your-icon.png
      cd ../..


Local dev

  • ./bin/dev setup
  • run the following commands AND append to your shell configs (ie. ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc/~/.bash_profile)
eval "$(mise activate zsh)"
# or for bash
# eval "$(mise activate bash)"

source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
  • (optionally) configure mise: ~/.config/mise/settings.toml
trusted_config_paths = ["~/Projects"] # where ~/Projects is wherever you clone your repos
  • dev start

vscode (optional)

  • if you use vscode, we have some recommended extensions and settings

  • when you open the project in vscode, you should be prompted automatically to install the recommended extensions

  • settings can either be configured:

    • globally, via the Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON) command
    • just for this project, via the Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON) command
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit",
        "editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false,
        "eslint.problems.shortenToSingleLine": true,
        "eslint.rules.customizations": [
            // set all eslint errors/warnings to show as warnings
            { "rule": "*", "severity": "warn" },
            // disable some rules in editor (they're just annoying while coding)
            { "rule": "import/no-unused-modules", "severity": "off" },
        "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "non-relative",
        "javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "non-relative",
        "typescript.tsdk": "./node_modules/typescript/lib",
        "typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true,


Diff decrypted env vales

  • add private key from your password manager into ~/Library/Application Support/sops/age/keys.txt

  • diff decrypted values

git -c 'diff.sops.textconv=sops -d' diff .env.preview.yml
# OR
git -c 'diff.sops.textconv=sops -d' show

Disable pre-commit hooks (husky)

We understand some find pre-commit hooks more annoying than useful, you're welcome to disable them as you see fit (checks will still run on pull requests & pushes to main)

  • for an individual commit: git commit -m "..." -n
  • permanently: echo 'HUSKY=0' >> .env.local


template typescript application with a web, mobile, and desktop app






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