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A TypeScript/React/MobX web interface to a Perlin node's API.

By default, Lens connects to a node whose HTTP API is hosted on port 9000 locally (location.hostname + ":9000"). Should you wish to change the HTTP API endpoint which Lens will connect to, you may change it at src/Perlin.tsx.

The module src/Perlin.tsx additionally holds a MobX API interface in TypeScript that you may use in building misc. web/backend applications which interact with a Wavelet node.


npm install -g yarn

# install dependencies

# run debug web server
yarn start


yarn build

$(cd build; python3 -m http.server)
# browser visit localhost:8000

Docker Build

If you want to build the website without installing the tools locally, use the CI build script:

bash scripts/

$(cd build; python3 -m http.server)
# browser visit localhost:8000

Common errors

# if you see an error:
Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device,
# then run
npm dedupe