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A Homebridge plugin for a simple simple services, based on homebrige-mqtt-switch and homebridge-mqttlightbulb


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Homebridge plugin supporting various services over MQTT, originally based on homebrige-mqttswitch and homebridge-mqttlightbulb


Follow the instructions in homebridge for the homebridge server installation. This plugin is published through NPM and should be installed "globally" by typing:

npm install -g homebridge-mqttthing


Configure the plugin in your homebridge config.json file.

Note that setXxx topics are published by Homebridge and should be subscribed-to by devices, and getXxx topics are published by devices to provide feedback on state to Homebridge.

Various different service types are supported by this single 'mqttthing' accessory...

All values shown below (often within <>) are comments/descriptions, and should not be copied into your configuration file. For an example of an actual configuration file, please see test/config.json.

Common settings

The following settings apply to all device types:

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "lightbulb",
    "name": "My lightbulb",
    "url": "",
    "username": "MQTT_username",
    "password": "MQTT_password",
    "mqttOptions": { keepalive: 30 },
    "mqttPubOptions": { retain: true },
    "logMqtt": true,
    "topics": {
        "getName": 	        "my/get/name/topic",
        "getOnline":        "my/get/online/topic",
        "getBatteryLevel":  "my/get/battery-level/topic",
        "getChargingState": "my/get/battery-charging-state/topic",
        "getStatusLowBattery": "my/get/status-low-battery/topic"
    "integerValue": true,
    "onlineValue": "Online",
    "chargingStateValues": [ "NotCharging", "Charging", "NotChargeable" ],
    "startPub": {
        "topic1": "message1",
        "topic2": "message2"

General Settings

accessory - must always be set to the value mqttthing in order to use homebridge-mqttthing

type - one of the supported accessory types listed below

name - name of accessory, as displayed in HomeKit

caption - HomeKit caption/label (optional)

MQTT Settings

url - URL of MQTT server if not localhost port 1883 (optional)

username - Username for MQTT server (optional)

password - Password for MQTT server (optional)

mqttOptions - Object containing all MQTT options passed to, for MQTT configuration settings not supported above (optional). Any standard settings not specified in an mqttOptions option will be set by homebridge-mqttthing. Enable MQTT logging with logMqtt to check the options provided.

mqttPubOptions - Option containin any MQTT publishing options required. See for details.

logMqtt - Set to true to enable MQTT logging for this accessory (optional, defaults to false)

MQTT Topics

getName - Topic that may be published to send HomeKit the name of the accessory (optional)

getOnline - Topic that may be published to tell homebridge-mqttthing whether or not the accessory is online (optional). This is a Boolean value (see below) intended to be published as false by the MQTT Last Will and Testament (LWT) feature in order to notify homebridge-mqttthing that the accessory is offline. Accessories using this feature must also publish an online true status when available.

getBatteryLevel - Topic that may be published by an accessory to indicate its current battery level, from 0 to 100 (optional).

getChargingState - Topic that may be published by an accessory to indicate its charging state (optional). Default values accepted are [ "NOT_CHARGING", "CHARGING", "NOT_CHARGEABLE" ]. These may be changed with the chargingStateValues setting.

getStatusLowBattery - Topic that may be published by an accessory to indicate whether it has a low battery (optional).

Applying functions to MQTT messages (custom payload encoding/decoding)

If an MQTT message is not a simple value or does not match the expected syntax, it is possible to specify a JavaScript function that is called for the message every time it is received/published. For this, the topic string in the configuration can be replaced with an object with these properties:

topic - Topic string

apply - Javascript function to apply (must be a complete function body that returns a value). The function is called with one argument: message, holding the original message. (optional)

e.g. Decoding a JSON payload:

  "topics": {
      "getCurrentTemperature": {
          "topic": "outdoor",
          "apply": "return JSON.parse(message).temperature.toFixed(1);"

e.g. Scaling brightness from its internal 0-100 range to an external 0-255 range:

    "getBrightness": {
        "topic": "test/lightbulb/getBrightness",
        "apply": "return Math.round( message / 2.55 );"
    "setBrightness": {
        "topic": "test/lightbulb/setBrightness",
        "apply": "return Math.round( message * 2.55 );"

Boolean Value Settings

Homekit Boolean types like on/off use strings "true" and "false" in MQTT messages unless "integerValue": true is configured, in which case they use to "1" and "0". Alternatively, specific values can be configured using onValue and offValue (in which case integerValue is ignored). Other Homekit types (integer, string, etc.) are not affected by these settings.

integerValue - set to true to use the values 1 and 0 to represent Boolean values instead of the strings "true" and "false" (optional, defaults to false)

onValue - configure a specific Boolean true or on value (optional)

offValue - configure a specific Boolean false or off value (optional)

onlineValue - configure a specific value representing that an accessory is online (received through getOnline). If not specified, the configured on value will be used to represent an online state (i.e. onValue if configured, otherwise 1 with integerValue: true or true with integerValue: false).

In mqttthing versions before 1.0.23, receiving any value not matching the configured 'on value' for a Boolean characteristic turned it off. From 1.0.23, the received message must match the offValue to turn off a characteristic. To turn off on any value except the onValue, omit configuration of offValue.

From version 1.0.23, mqttthing will not publish a message for a Boolean characteristic turning off if no offValue is configured.

Accessory Information

The following configuration settings may be specified if required to change information service content:

manufacturer - sets the manufacturer name (defaults to mqttthing)

serialNumber - sets the serial number (defaults to hostname and accessory name)

model - sets the model name (defaults to the mqttthing accessory type)

firmwareRevision - sets the firmware revision number (defaults to mqttthing version)

Publishing values on start-up

MQTT messages may be published on start-up, e.g. to reset accessories to a known initial state, with startPub. This is an object containing MQTT topics as keys, and values to be published as values.

Supported Accessories

Tested Configurations

Tested and working configurations for devices are available on the Wiki. Please add your working configurations for others.

Contact Sensor

Contact sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to CONTACT_NOT_DETECTED (sensor triggered) and False (or 0) maps to CONTACT_DETECTED (not triggered). To use different MQTT values, configure onValue and offValue.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "contactSensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getContactSensorState": "<topic used to provide contact sensor state>"
        "getStatusActive":       "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusFault":        "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusTampered":     "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusLowBattery":   "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>"


Doorbell ring switch state can be be SINGLE_PRESS, DOUBLE_PRESS or LONG_PRESS. By default, these events are raised when values of 1, 2 and L respectively are published to the getSwitch topic. However, these values may be overridden by specifying an alternative array in the switchValues setting.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "contactSensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getSwitch":         "<topic used to provide doorbell switch state>"
        "getBrightness":     "<topic used to get brightness (optional)>",
        "setBrightness":     "<topic used to set brightness (optional)>",
        "getVolume":         "<topic used to get volume (optional)>",
        "setVolume":         "<topic used to set volume (optional)>",
        "getMotionDetected": "<topic used to provide 'motion detected' status (optional, if exposing motion sensor)>"
    "switchValues": "<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively (optional)>"


Fan running state ('on') is true or false, or 1 or 0 if integerValue: true specified.

Fan rotation direction is 0 for clockwise or 1 for anticlockwise.

Fan rotation speed is an integer between 0 (off) and 100 (full speed).

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "fan",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getOn":                "<topic to notify homebridge of 'fan on' status>",
        "setOn":                "<topic published by homebridge to set 'fan on' status>",
        "getRotationDirection": "<topic to notify homebridge of rotation direction (optional)> ",
        "setRotationDirection": "<topic published by homebridge to set rotation direction (optional)>",
        "getRotationSpeed":     "<topic to notify homebridge of rotation speed (optional)",
        "setRotationSpeed":     "<topic published by homebridge to set rotation speed (optional)"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
    "turnOffAfterms": <milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>

Garage Door Opener

Garage door opener current door state can be OPEN, CLOSED, OPENING, CLOSING, STOPPED. By default, these use values of O, C, o, c and S respectively; these defaults can be changed using the doorValues setting.

Garage door opener target state can be OPEN or CLOSED. By default, values of O and C are used respectively (unless changed through doorValues).

Lock current state can be UNSECURED, SECURED, JAMMED or UNKNOWN. By default, these use values of U, S, J, ? respectively; these can be changed using the lockValues setting.

Lock target state can be UNSECURED or SECURED. By default, these use values of U and S respectively (unless changed through lockValues).

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "garageDoorOpener",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "setTargetDoorState":       "test/garage/target",
        "getTargetDoorState":       "test/garage/current",
        "getCurrentDoorState":      "test/garage/current",
        "setLockTargetState":       "test/garagelock/target",
        "getLockTargetState":       "test/garagelock/current",
        "getLockCurrentState":      "test/garagelock/current",
        "getObstructionDetected":   "test/garage/obstruction"
    "doorValues": [ "Open", "Closed", "Opening", "Closing", "Stopped" ],
    "lockValues": [ "Unsecured", "Secured", "Jammed",  "Unknown" ]


setTargetDoorState - Topic published when the target door state is changed in HomeKit. Values are final doorValues (not opening/closing).

getTargetDoorState - Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target door state has been changed externally. Values are final doorValues (not opening/closing). May use same topic as getCurrentDoorState as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.

getCurrentDoorState - Topic published to notify HomeKit that a door state has been achieved. HomeKit will expect current door state to end up matching target door state. Values are doorValues.

setLockTargetState - Topic published when the target lock state is changed in HomeKit. Values are lockValues.

getLockTargetState - Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target lock state has been changed externally. Values are lockValues. May use same topic as getLockCurrentState as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.

getLockCurrentState - Topic published to notify HomeKit that a lock state has been achieved. Values are lockValues.

getObstructionDetected - Topic published to notify HomeKit whether an obstruction has been detected (Boolean value).


doorValues - Array of 5 door values corresponding to open, closed, opening, closing and stopped respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'O', 'C', 'o', 'c', 'S' ].

lockValues - Array of 4 lock values corresponding to unsecured, secured, jammed and unknown respectively. if not specified, defaults to [ 'U', 'S', 'J', '?' ].

integerValue - Set to true to use values 1 and 0 instead of "true" and "false" respectively for obstruction detected value.

Humidity Sensor

Current relative humidity must be in the range 0 to 100 percent with no decimal places.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "humiditySensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getCurrentRelativeHumidity":   "<topic used to provide 'current relative humidity'>",
        "getStatusActive":              "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusFault":               "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusTampered":            "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusLowBattery":          "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"

Leak Sensor

Leak sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to LEAK_DETECTED and False (or 0) maps to LEAK_NOT_DETECTED. To use different MQTT values, configure onValue and offValue.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "leakSensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
        "getLeakDetected":              "<topic used to provide 'leak detected' state (Boolean)>",

Light bulb

Light bulb can either use separate topics (for on, brightness, hue and saturation), or it can be configured to use a combined value holding comma-separated hue,sat,val or red,green,blue.

Hue is 0-360. Saturation is 0-100. Brightness is 0-100. Red, green and blue are 0-255.

If topics.setHSV is populated, a combined value is used and any individual brightness, hue and saturation topics are ignored. On/off is sent with setOn if configured, or by setting V to 0 when off.

If topics.setRGB is populated, a combined value is used in the format red,green,blue (ranging from 0-255). On/off may be sent with setOn; brightness, hue and saturation topics are ignored. If topics.setWhite is also populated, the white level is extracted and sent separately to the combined RGB value.

If topics.setRGBW is populated, a combined value is used in the format red,green,blue,white (ranging from 0-255). On/off may be set with setOn; brightness, hue and saturation topics are ignored.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "lightbulb",
    "name": "<name of lightbulb>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getOn": 	        "<topic to get the status>",
        "setOn": 	        "<topic to set the status>",
        "getBrightness": 	"<topic to get the brightness (optional)>",
        "setBrightness": 	"<topic to set the brightness (optional - if dimmable)>",
        "getHue": 	        "<topic to get the hue (optional)>",
        "setHue": 	        "<topic to set the hue (optional - if coloured)>",
        "getSaturation": 	"<topic to get the saturation (optional)>",
        "setSaturation": 	"<topic to set the saturation (optional - if coloured)>",
        "getHSV":           "<in HSV mode, topic to get comma-separated hue, saturation and value>",
        "setHSV":           "<in HSV mode, topic to set comma-separated hue, saturation and value>",
        "getRGB":           "<in RGB mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue>",
        "setRGB":           "<in RGB mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue>",
        "getRGBW":          "<in RGBW mode, topic to get comma-separated red, green, blue, white>",
        "setRGBW":          "<in RGBW mode, topic to set comma-separated red, green, blue, white>",
        "getWhite":         "<topic to get white level (0-255)> - used with getRGB for RGBW with separately-published white level",
        "setWhite":         "<topic to set white level (0-255)> - used with setRGB for RGBW with separately-published white level",
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
    "hex": "true to format combined RGB/RGBW in hexadecimal instead of as comma-separated decimals",
    "hexPrefix": "format combined RGB/RGBW in hexadecimal with specified prefix (typically '#') instead of as comma-separated decimals",
    "turnOffAfterms": <milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>

Light Sensor

Current ambient light level must be in the range 0.0001 Lux to 100000 Lux to a maximum of 4dp.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "lightSensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getCurrentAmbientLightLevel":  "<topic used to provide 'current ambient light level'>",
        "getStatusActive":              "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusFault":               "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusTampered":            "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusLowBattery":          "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>"

Lock Mechanism

Lock current state can be UNSECURED, SECURED, JAMMED or UNKNOWN. By default, these use values of U, S, J, ? respectively; these can be changed using the lockValues setting.

Lock target state can be UNSECURED or SECURED. By default, these use values of U and S respectively (unless changed through lockValues).

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "lockMechanism",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
        "setLockTargetState":       "test/lock/target",
        "getLockTargetState":       "test/lock/current",
        "getLockCurrentState":      "test/lock/current"
    "lockValues": [ "Unsecured", "Secured", "Jammed",  "Unknown" ]


setLockTargetState - Topic published when the target lock state is changed in HomeKit. Values are lockValues.

getLockTargetState - Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target lock state has been changed externally. Values are lockValues. May use same topic as getLockCurrentState as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.

getLockCurrentState - Topic published to notify HomeKit that a lock state has been achieved. Values are lockValues.


lockValues - Array of 4 lock values corresponding to unsecured, secured, jammed and unknown respectively. if not specified, defaults to [ 'U', 'S', 'J', '?' ].


    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "microphone",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
        "getMute":              "<topic used to indicate whether microphone is muted (Boolean)>",
        "setMute":              "<topic used to set whether microphone is muted (Boolean)>",
        "getVolume":            "<topic used to report current volume (0-100)>",
        "setVolume":            "<topic used to set volume (0-100)>"

Motion Sensor

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "motionSensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getMotionDetected":         "<topic used to provide 'motion detected' status>",
        "getStatusActive":           "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusFault":            "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusTampered":         "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusLowBattery":       "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>"

Occupancy Sensor

Occupancy sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to OCCUPANCY_DETECTED (sensor triggered) and False (or 0) maps to OCCUPANCY_NOT_DETECTED (not triggered). To use different MQTT values, configure onValue and offValue.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "occupancySensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getOccupancyDetected":      "<topic used to provide 'occupancy detected' status>",
        "getStatusActive":           "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusFault":            "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusTampered":         "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusLowBattery":       "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>"


An outlet can be configured as a light or as a fan in the Home app.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "outlet",
    "name": "<name of outlet>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getOn":            "<topic to get the status>",
        "setOn":            "<topic to set the status>",
        "getInUse":         "<topic used to provide 'outlet is in use' feedback>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
    "turnOffAfterms": <milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>

Security System

Security System current state can be STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM, DISARMED or ALARM_TRIGGERED. By default, these events are raised when values of SA, AA, NA, D and T respectively are published to the getCurrentState topic. However, these values may be overriden by specifying an alternative array in the currentStateValues setting.

Security System target state can be STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM or DISARM. By default, these states correspond to values of SA, AA, NA and D. Homebridge expects to control the target state (causing one of these values to be published to the setTargetState topic), and to receive confirmation from the security system that the state has been achieved through a change in the current state (received through the getCurrentState topic). The values used for target state can be specified as an an array in the targetStateValues setting.

Homebridge publishes a value to the getCurrentState topic to indicate the state that the HomeKit users wishes the alarm to be in. The alarm system must echo this state back to the setCurrentState topic to confirm that it has set the alarm state appropriately. The alarm system may also publish the ALARM_TRIGGERED value (T by default) to the setCurrentState topic in order to indicate that the alarm has been triggered. If the alarm system publishes any other states to the setCurrentState topic, HomeKit will wait for it to return to the user's target state; in other words, only the HomeKit user can control the arming state of the alarm, not the alarm system itself.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "securitySystem",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
    "topics": {
    "setTargetState": "test/security/target",
    "getTargetState": "test/security/current",
    "getCurrentState": "test/security/current"
    "targetStateValues": [ "StayArm", "AwayArm", "NightArm", "Disarmed" ],
    "currentStateValues": [ "StayArm", "AwayArm", "NightArm", "Disarmed", "Triggered" ]


setTargetState - Topic published when the target alarm state is changed in HomeKit. Values are targetStateValues.

getTargetState - Topic that may be published to notify HomeKit that the target alarm state has been changed externally. Values are targetStateValues. May use same topic as getCurrentState as above. Omit if all control is through HomeKit.

getCurrentState - Topic published to notify HomeKit that an alarm state has been achieved. HomeKit will expect current state to end up matching target state. Values are currentStateValues.


targetStateValues - Array of 4 values for target state corresponding to STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM and DISARMED respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'SA', 'AA', 'NA', 'D' ].

currentStateValues - Array of 5 values for current state corresponding to STAY_ARM, AWAY_ARM, NIGHT_ARM, DISARMED and ALARM_TRIGGERED respectively. If not specified, defaults to [ 'SA', 'AA', 'NA', 'D', 'T' ].

Smoke Sensor

Smoke sensor state is exposed as a Boolean. True (or 1 with integer values) maps to SMOKE_DETECTED and False (or 0) maps to SMOKE_NOT_DETECTED. To use different MQTT values, configure onValue and offValue.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "smokeSensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getSmokeDetected":      "<topic used to provide smoke sensor state>"
        "getStatusActive":       "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusFault":        "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusTampered":     "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusLowBattery":   "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>"


    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "speaker",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
        "getMute":              "<topic used to indicate whether speaker is muted (Boolean)>",
        "setMute":              "<topic used to set whether speaker is muted (Boolean)>",
        "getVolume":            "<topic used to report current volume (0-100)>",
        "setVolume":            "<topic used to set volume (0-100)>"


Like a doorbell (which is based on it), the state of a stateless programmable switch can be be SINGLE_PRESS, DOUBLE_PRESS or LONG_PRESS. By default, these events are raised when values of 1, 2 and L respectively are published to the getSwitch topic. However, these values may be overridden by specifying an alternative array in the switchValues setting.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "statelessProgrammableSwitch",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getSwitch":            "<topic used to provide switch state>"
    "switchValues": "<array of 3 switch values corresponding to single-press, double-press and long-press respectively (optional)>"


On/off switch.

Configuring turnOffAfter causes the switch to turn off automatically the specified number of milliseconds after it is turned on.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "switch",
    "name": "<name of switch>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getOn": 	        "<topic to get the status>",
        "setOn": 	        "<topic to set the status>"
    "integerValue": "true to use 1|0 instead of true|false default onValue and offValue",
    "onValue": "<value representing on (optional)>",
    "offValue": "<value representing off (optional)>",
    "turnOffAfterms": <milliseconds after which to turn off automatically (optional)>

Temperature Sensor

Current temperature must be in the range 0 to 100 degrees Celsius to a maximum of 1dp.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "temperatureSensor",
    "name": "<name of sensor>",
    "url": "<url of MQTT server (optional)>",
    "username": "<username for MQTT (optional)>",
    "password": "<password for MQTT (optional)>",
    "caption": "<label (optional)>",
        "getCurrentTemperature":        "<topic used to provide 'current temperature'>",
        "getStatusActive":              "<topic used to provide 'active' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusFault":               "<topic used to provide 'fault' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusTampered":            "<topic used to provide 'tampered' status (optional)>",
        "getStatusLowBattery":          "<topic used to provide 'low battery' status (optional)>"

Window Covering

Window covering position state can be DECREASING, INCREASING or STOPPED. By default, these use values of DECREASING, INCREASING, and STOPPED respectively; these defaults can be changed using the positionStateValues setting.

    "accessory": "mqttthing",
    "type": "windowCovering",
    "name": "<name of device>",
        "getCurrentPosition":           "<topic used to report current position (integer 0-100)>",
        "setTargetPosition":            "<topic used to control target position (integer 0-100)>",
        "getTargetPosition":            "<topic used to report target position (optional)>", 
        "getPositionState":             "<topic used to report position state>",
        "setHoldPosition":              "<topic used to control hold position (Boolean)>",
        "setTargetHorizontalTiltAngle": "<topic used to control target horizontal tilt angle (-90 to 90)>",
        "getTargetHorizontalTiltAngle": "<topic used to report target horizontal tilt angle (optional)>",
        "getCurrentHorizontalTiltAngle": "<topic used to report current horizontal tilt angle>",
        "setTargetVerticalTiltAngle":   "<topic used to control target vertical tilt angle (-90 to 90)>",
        "getTargetVerticalTiltAngle":   "<topic used to report target vertical tilt angle (optional)>",
        "getCurrentVerticalTiltAngle":   "<topic used to report current vertical tilt angle>"
    "positionStateValues": [ "decreasing-value", "increasing-value", "stopped-value" ]

Release notes

Version 1.0.25

  • Added Lock Mechanism

Version 1.0.24

  • Added Speaker and Microphone
  • Added Window Covering (blind)

Version 1.0.23

  • Add MQTT publishing options configuration setting (mqttPubOptions), to allow retain flag and QoS level to be set
  • If no offValue is specified, don't publish anything when a Boolean characteristic turns off
  • When receiving a Boolean value, require configured off value to turn it off

Version 1.0.22

  • Added startPub configuration setting, allowing MQTT messages to be published on start-up

Version 1.0.21

  • Added InformationService to populate manufacturer and other characteristics (thanks, NorthernMan54)
  • Added Leak Sensor

Version 1.0.20

  • Added onlineValue configuration setting, allowing the use of a custom value to represent an online state (with getOnline) without the use of a custom payload decoding function.
  • Added turnOffAfterms support for motion sensor, allowing motion triggered by MQTT message to be self-resetting.

Version 1.0.19

  • Changed minimum temperature for temperatureSensor to -100 degrees celsius
  • Added BatteryService supporting getBatteryLevel, getChargingState and getStatusLowBattery for all accessories.

Version 1.0.18

  • Added getOnline topic to control whether an accessory should appear responsive or unresponsive

Version 1.0.17

  • Added ability to encode/decode MQTT payload using custom JavaScript functions (implemented by Michael Stürmer)

Version 1.0.16

  • Allow MQTT options to be passed directly, so that any options required can be set (not just those specifically supported by mqttthing)

Version 1.0.15

  • Allowed Garage Door and Security System target states to be modified outside of HomeKit (thanks, brefra)

Version 1.0.14

  • Added turnOffAfterms to items with an On characteristic like Switch, causing them to turn off automatically after a specified timeout (in milliseconds)

Version 1.0.13

  • Remove non-ASCII characters from MQTT client ID (thanks, twinkelm)

Version 1.0.12

  • Added Fan

Version 1.0.11

  • Added Light bulb option to publish RGB and RGBW values as hex
  • Added Light bulb option to publish RGB white level separately

Version 1.0.10

  • Allowed separate on/off topic when using combined "hue,saturation,value" topic with Light bulb
  • Added Light bulb combined "red,green,blue" topic support
  • Added Light bulb RGBW support through combined "red,green,blue,white" topic

Version 1.0.9

  • Added option to combine Light bulb hue (0-360), saturation (0-100) and value/brightness (0-100) into a single topic containing "hue,saturation,value"

Version 1.0.8

  • Added Stateless Programmable Switch
  • Added Garage Door Opener

Version 1.0.7

  • Fixed Smoke Sensor

Version 1.0.6

  • Added Temperature Sensor
  • Added Humidity Sensor

Version 1.0.5

  • Added Security System
  • Added Smoke Sensor

Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed Occupancy Sensor values
  • Added Doorbell

Version 1.0.3

  • Added Contact Sensor

Version 1.0.2

  • Added Light Sensor
  • Default sensors to 'active' state

Version 1.0.1

  • Initial public version with Light bulb, Switch, Outlet, Motion Sensor, Occupancy Sensor


A Homebridge plugin for a simple simple services, based on homebrige-mqtt-switch and homebridge-mqttlightbulb







No releases published


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  • JavaScript 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%