Chat for Raspberry Pi (Chatrpi) is a voice assistant for the Raspberry Pi that can hold simple conversations and control GPIO output.
Powered by Tensorflow.js, ChatGPT, and Endrpi.
- Continuous listening via wake-word detection with configurable name.
- Indefinite conversations with wake-word bypass.
- Conversational GPIO output control with contextual memory.
- Extensible to other boards that accept HTTP requests.
- Chrome 116+
- chatrpi-server - Serves the front-end and handles API requests.
- (this repository) chatrpi-app - Front-end with visualizer and voice recognition/synthesis.
≥ Node.js 16.0
- Required to install and run the Chatrpi server.
- Installable on the Raspberry Pi or any computer on the same LAN.
≥ Endrpi 1.0
- See the Endrpi docs for installation requirements.
ChatGPT API key
- Visit to create an account.
The following steps should be completed on your Raspberry Pi.
hostname -I
pip3 install -U endrpi && endrpi
The following steps can be completed on any computer connected to the same LAN as the Raspberry Pi, or the Raspberry Pi itself.
Visit <ip_address_of_pi>:5000 in your browser. You should be presented with the Endrpi welcome screen.
npx @persanix-llc/chatrpi-server@latest
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All pull requests will be closed without review.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Copyright © 2020 - 2023 Persanix LLC. All rights reserved.