See the Petals Wiki page on the component.
There is two main projects in this repository.
It implements a Camel Component that can be used in Camel in order to consumes (with from("petals:..."
) and produces (with to("petals:..."
) messages from and to Petals.
It needs to be provided with an implementation on how to communicate with Petals. Currently there is only one implementation, that is petals-se-camel (see next section).
In the future, it could be possible to use Camel from outside Petals and be able to contact and existing Petals Container.
It is a Petals Service Engine that embeds Apache Camel inside Petals. It obviously uses (and implements parts of) camel-petals for the integration into Camel.
There is currently three examples.
A simple proxy that forwards a request to another service. It is written in Java by implementing a Camel RouteBuilder.
A simple proxy that forwards a request to another service. It is written in XML using the Camel Spring XML schema (but without using Spring itself).
Again a proxy (in Java) but more advanced, it exploits the following features of Camel :
- Marshmalling and unmarshalling using JAXB.
- Mapping between two different service descriptions using a Java bean for the transformation.
- Logging inside the routes.
- Streamcaching (Petals uses stream to store exchange content).