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Peter Keller edited this page Jul 8, 2018 · 13 revisions


The subdirectories of the resources directory (src/resources and build/resources) contain the pieces that will be used to create Epilogue resources. Custom resource specific files should be added to its corresponding resource's resources folder. The User resource is a special resource. The Todo and Neighborhood resources are just examples.

// An example resource's index.js
import extension from './extension';
import model from './model';
import milestones from './milestones';
const endpoints = ['/todos', '/todos/:id'];
const permissions = 'lcrud|-----|-----|-----';
const isGroup = false;
const autoAssociations = '';
const exportArray = ['Todo', permissions, model, endpoints, extension, autoAssociations, isGroup, milestones];
export default exportArray;


Models are normal sequelize models. They are defined in the model.js files found in a resource's resource folder. The default fields that get added to the models are defined in src/resourcesBuilder/modelFields.js.


By default, milestones will be generated for a resource in epilogueAuth.js for handling user access to resources and non-standard effects of their operations (For example: Owning an instance of a resources as a group or user after creating it). The milestones.js code in a resource folder is for resource specific milestone code. This custom milestone code will be merged with the built in milestones when the resources' milestones are add to the resources.


Extensions are combined with a resource's model and endpoints to create a temporary resource object that will used to form an Epilogue resource. Resource properties that don't belong in the model or the endpoints, like associations: true, should be put in the resource folder's extension.js file.

Resource Array

An example of a resource array:

const exportArray = ['Todo', permissions, model, endpoints, extension, autoAssociations, isGroup, milestones];

There are 8 elements to the resource array, with their purpose being implied by their names in the example above. Order matters and if you want to leave an element blank, replace it with a falsy element rather than leaving it out altogether.

Auto Associations

Auto Associations in Epilogue Starter Kit are the same Auto Associations that are found in Epilogue. What is unique is how they are assigned to resources. The default auto association is hasMany. There can be associations without auto associations. They are the 6th element of the exported resource array. This element will be converted to a standard Auto Association format.


  • String, array, object or boolean.
  • The preferred format is the array of objects format.
  • Array styles can be mixed.
  • Though false is acceptable, an empty string should be used instead if you don't want to create an auto-association on that resource. This is because an auto-association with that resource could be on another resource, making false misleading.


'' => []
false => []
'Cake' => [{ hasMany: 'Cake' }]
'Cake,Soda' => [{ hasMany: 'Cake' }, { hasMany: 'Soda' }]
'Cake|Soda' => [{ hasMany: 'Cake' }, { hasMany: 'Soda' }]
{ hasMany: 'Cake' } => [{ hasMany: 'Cake' }]
['Cake', 'Soda'] => [{ hasMany: 'Cake' }, { hasMany: 'Soda' }]
[{ hasMany: 'Cake' }, { belongsTo: 'Soda' }] => [{ hasMany: 'Cake' }, { belongsTo: 'Soda' }]
['Cake', { belongsTo: 'Soda' }] => [{ hasMany: 'Cake' }, { belongsTo: 'Soda' }]


The term operations used here means Epilogue resource operations (List, Create, Read, Update and Delete). Permissions are used to determine what operations are available for certain users. The types of users are the following: owners of the resource (usually the user who created the resource), members of a group resource, any non-guest users and all users. Permissions are similar to auto associations in that there are multiple formats that can be used to set them up for a resource.


  • String, array, number or object.
  • 4 bytes. In left to right order: owner, group, non-guest, all.
  • 5 bits for each byte. In left to right order: list, create, read, update, destroy.
  • 2 special bits (See the Admins and Groups subsections).
  • The preferred format is string with | separating user type bytes, letters (l, c, r, u or d) enabling operations and - disallowing operations (See the 5th example).
  • For number format, the list and read bits are the same. This was done to make hexadecimal permissions more readable. Decimal, octal and binary are also valid.


[] => [false, ..., false]
0xFFFF => [true, ..., true]
'lcrudlcrudlcrudlcrud' => [true, ..., true]
'lcrud|lcrud|lcrud|lcrud' => [true, ..., true]
'l-rud|lcrud|lcrud|lcrud' => [true, false, true, true, ..., true]
'lrud|lcrud|lcrud|lcrud' => [true, false, true, true, ..., true]
{owner: ['l', 'c', 'r']} => [true, true, true, false, false, ..., false]
[true, ..., true] => [true, ..., true]
  See test/unitTests/permissions/conversions.js for
  more examples of valid permissions formats


The enabled bit in -c---|-----|----|----- means that admins can create an instance of that resource. The list of admin users is in the Admins table, with AdminId being the admin's user id.


Groups and users are linked through the userGroupXrefs resource. Users can have many groups through group xrefs.

The enabled bit in -----|-c---|----|----- enables group permissions. Group permissions are bitwise ORed with each other and regular resource permissions.

For example, if a group resource called City has the following regular permissions:


And the following group permissions:

Resource Permissions Group Name Group ID
City -----|l--ud|-----|----- NYC 1
City -----|l-r--|-crud|-----

There will be the following permissions for these City groups:

Group Permissions
NYC l----|lcrud|-crud|-----
LA l----|lcr--|-crud|-----

Creating and Deleting Resources

Use the command gulp new-resource to create new resources. To delete a resource, delete its directory in resources/ and update resources/index.js