This repo provides a simple way to setup a Ruby/Cucumber/Capybara/Selenium based environment for test automation with Behaviour Driven Development (BDD).
Check out the related blog post & video.
Feb 2023 - updated to use Selenium 4
Open a terminal in root directory and follow these steps:
# Use docker compose to start start the two services
# and open a bash session in the 'ruby' service:
docker-compose run ruby bash
# Note: This could take a few min the first time you run...
# To see inside the browser, just open http://localhost:7900/?autoconnect=1&resize=scale&password=secret
# Back in the original terminal session, we're now inside our ruby service.
# Run the tests with cucumber
# When you're done, you can exit the ruby container
# Now (from the host machine) stop all the containers
docker-compose down
The basic components of BDD are:
- A running application to test (usually a web app)
- A web browser (like Chrome or firefox) to render the app and give access to the UI elements
- A web driver (like Selenium) to drive the browser
- A testing framework (like Capybara) to examine (and interact with) elements on the page
- A BDD framework (like Cucumber) to describe our tests (using Gherkin syntax), run them for us, and report on the results.
- Some language to define the step definitions and tie everything together (in this case, Ruby)
Docker compose makes it easy to package all the components into a couple of simple services (containers) and mount your source code into the containers from the host, without installing anything locally.
- The first service (which we'll call 'ruby') will hold the ruby runtime and any gems we need (e.g. cucumber and capybara). We'll build this with our Dockerfile.
- The second service (which we'll call 'browser') will be an instance of the stand-alone Selenium-Chrome container.
- NOTE: for Apple silicon (e.g. the M1 chip) you'll need to use the special M1 "seleniarm" ports.
You can easily open open a browser tab with a VNC client into the running container via this link
You may have "Screen sharing" enabled on your mac. Go to "Settings" > "Sharing" and untick the "Screen Sharing box"
docker-compose run ruby cucumber
You can add a step And I debug
to your features to open the pry interactive debugger which lets you write code to interact with the browser in real-time without restarting your tests.
You can use "scenario outlines" to quickly run through the same scenario with different variables.