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Universes Libraries System

pgcrism edited this page Nov 19, 2012 · 1 revision


The notion of 'universe' is not the same since the advent of 'ecf' files. The understanding of those terms diverged from the one appeared with xace files.


A universe is set of classes in an ECF library or an 'assembly'. In an ECF or an assembly, each class has a unique name.


A system is defined with an ECF. A system assembles clusters and other ECF libraries.

A system is thus a universe that recursively references other universes (libraries or assemblies).


A 'group' is a physical location where a class resides.

This is either a cluster (directory) or a .NET assembly.

Classes and Universes

In a universe, classes come from

  • a group that is locally defined in this universe
  • another library (embedded universe). In that case, the classes are 'imported' from the embedded universe.

A class (ET_CLASS) corresponds to a physical class (a file with its textual representation).

For incremental compilation purpose, there is a supplementary indirection. In a universe, each class name is associated with a master class (ET_MASTER_CLASS). The master class is resolved at compile time to a class that is declared locally in the universe, or imported from another universe (or library).

{ET_MASTER_CLASS}.actual_class gives access to the 'resolved' class.

Dependencies between universes are recursive. If you want to browse things, you have to use the *_do_recurse features from ET_SYSTEM to browse an entire universe.

For example, calling an action for every class in a system is done like this:

my_system.classes_do_recursive (agent action)

To feed a list with all classes in a system :

my_system.classes_do_recursive (agent my_list.put_last)


From my experience at this time (PGC, November 19, 2012) I can say that you have to use a system straight from a system parser.

The original eDoc code did the following:

  1. Parse a system/library
  2. Append the clusters to a list of clusters
  3. Create a system from scratch, setting the list of clusters obtained in (2)

Unfortunately, in that case, the *_do_recursive functions do not work on this newly created universe.

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