It is a static, descrete, determinant, fully observable, sequential, known and single-agent environment.
The board with an ascending order sequence from top-bottom and left-right. like the table below for a 3*3 board:
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 8 |
although running the project in IDEs such as Intellij is highly recommended, but here's how you can build and run the project in terminal:
Firstly, all files should be compiled.
After that run the /src/server/Server/
and then simply run the client in the path : /src/client/
as for this readme there were a lot of useful websites which helped me a lot. (also mentioned people's awesome readmes for reference.)
@monjar's (my TA in AI course) awesome projects
@1995parham's (my intsructor/professor in IE course) awesome
@rsharifnasab's (my TA in IE course) awesome s.
@othneildrew's awesome template.