It's been built on the NodeJS platform. It'll get all responsobilities about pulling data from any sources.
- ...
- Node JS
- Express JS
- MongoDB
- Websocket
- Typescript
Routers --> Controllers --> Services --> Repositories --> Database
- Install some apps/services at first
- Node JS
- Redis
- PM2
- Setup the configs
- .env (Follow the .env.default)
- app/config/app.config.ts (Follow the app.default.config.ts)
- Install packages/libraries
- Client/UI: cd ui-app & npm i
- Service/BE: npm i
- Build and compile the app
- Build the UI: npm run build
- Compile the BE: npm run compile
- Integrate the app with PM2 (Follow the PM2 document)
- Run the app
- With PM2: pm2 start/restart
- Without PM2: npm run prod