The sainsmart_relay
library provides an interface and command-line tools to control SainSmart relays via FTDI's bit-bang mode.
The FTDI USB drivers should be installed by default in most debian distributions. If not, try:
sudo apt install libftdi1-2
In order to access devices as non-root user we need to add the local user to the dialout
group and add a udev rule:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
# logout / reboot
# Add udev rule:
sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/99-libftdi.rules
# Add this line:
# SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", GROUP="dialout", MODE="0660"
To install the library, ensure 3.8 <= Python <= 3.11.
First, clone the repository:
git clone
cd sainsmart-relay
Then install the library:
pip install .
To start the relay server, run:
This will start the server that listens for commands to control the relays.
To control the relays or query their status, use the relay command.
Change the state of a relay:
relay 1 on # Turns relay 1 on
relay 2 off # Turns relay 2 off
Get the current status of all relays:
relay -s # Displays the status of all relays
The sainsmart_relay can also be used as a module in Python scripts:
from sainsmart_relay.relay import FTDIBitbangRelay
# Initialize the relay controller with the device ID
relay_controller = FTDIBitbangRelay(device_id='your_device_id')
# Turn relay 1 on
relay_controller.set_relay(1, 'on')
# Retrieve the current relay state
state = relay_controller.get_relay_state()
print(f"Current Relay State: {state:08b}")
Replace 'your_device_id' with the actual device ID of your FTDI device.