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B.5] Interoperability with External Services

Past due by about 2 years 0% complete

Duration: 3 sprints (6 weeks)
Start: 2022-12-01
End: 2023-01-15

We will also follow the GA4GH API standards for interoperability to allow communication with other rare disease genetics databases:

  • Hstget allow streaming of data in bam files
  • Implementation of Phenopacket standard to allow for exchange of phenotyping information
  • Beacon API will allow for no…

Duration: 3 sprints (6 weeks)
Start: 2022-12-01
End: 2023-01-15

We will also follow the GA4GH API standards for interoperability to allow communication with other rare disease genetics databases:

  • Hstget allow streaming of data in bam files
  • Implementation of Phenopacket standard to allow for exchange of phenotyping information
  • Beacon API will allow for non-registered users and other services to query the presence of a genetic variant in our dataset.
  • Phenotype-matching in other databases using MatchMaker exchange (based on HPO terms).