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Replication package for "Metric-Oriented Pretraining of Neural Source Code Summarisation Transformers to Enable more Secure Software Development".


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Metric-Oriented Pretraining of Neural Source Code Summarisation Transformers to Enable more Secure Software Development

Replication package for "Metric-Oriented Pretraining of Neural Source Code Summarisation Transformers to Enable more Secure Software Development", upcoming in the proceedings of NLPAICS'2024.

To run

  • Download the Python scripts you would like to replicate, as well as the requirements.txt file.
  • Download the script, and METEOR v1.5 (Paper, Download).
    • You will need to extract METEOR to a directory named "meteor".
  • Download your dataset. We used the Funcom dataset (Paper, Dataset), preprocessed with JavaDatasetCleaner (Paper, GitHub)
    • You will need to edit the transformDataset method of the script you would like to replicate if you aren't using the same data format we did.
  • Install the PyPI packages from requirements.txt, as well as Java 17 or higher.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the script you would like to replicate using the TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM flag. We recommend caching Huggingface Datasets and Transformers. Here is an example shell script to do that.

export HF_DATASETS_CACHE=./data/dataset_cache
export TRANSFORMERS_CACHE=./data/transformer_cache

#If training multiple models across multiple GPUs, it may help to train each
#one on its own GPU.  To do this, you can limit the GPUs visible to the script.
#If you do this, the model will train on the first one it can see by default.


To evaluate your model

  • The models used here are self-evaluating: once the model is trained, finalEval.txt is generated, which contains the results of the evaluation metrics.


We used the Funcom dataset (Paper, Dataset), preprocessed with JavaDatasetCleaner (Paper, GitHub), which saves the dataset in the format used by NeuralCodeSum (Paper). We used the Python method below to convert this into JSON which can be read by the transformDataset method in our model training code.

def saveJSONData(dir):
    """ Saves the dataset in JSON format.

        dir (string): the name of the directory holding the dataset you want.
    from pathlib import Path
    if Path(f"../dataset/{dir}/dataset.json").is_file():

    import json
    print(f"Generating Dataset: {dir}")
    data = []
    with open(f"../dataset/{dir}/code.original_subtoken",
              encoding='UTF-8') as fp:
        code = fp.readlines()
    with open(f"../dataset/{dir}/javadoc.original", encoding='UTF-8') as fp1:
        comments = fp1.readlines()
    for cnt in range(len(code) - 1):
        # for cnt in range(5):
        data[cnt]["text"] = code[cnt]
        data[cnt]["summary"] = comments[cnt]
    jsonData = json.dumps(data, indent=4)

    with open(f"../dataset/{dir}/dataset.json", "w") as fp:

We also evaluated our results using the CodeSearchNet dataset (Paper, Dataset). Our scripts for preprocessing that dataset can be found in the "PreprocessCodeSearchNet" directory.

The provided training code for the models expect the data to be in a directory named "dataset" above the model directory.


Replication package for "Metric-Oriented Pretraining of Neural Source Code Summarisation Transformers to Enable more Secure Software Development".




