cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
cd catkin_ws
There are many virtual environments that availabled in robot_gazebo's launch folder. Run below command to open virtual house environment.
roslaunch robot_gazebo robot_house.launch
In order to teleoperate the robot with the keyboard, launch the teleoperation node with below command in a new terminal window.
roslaunch robot_teleop robot_teleop_key.launch
The following instructions require prerequisites from the previous section. Open a new terminal window from the PC and run the SLAM node. Hector SLAM method is used by default.
roslaunch robot_slam robot_slam.launch slam_methods:=gmapping
When the map is created successfully, open a new terminal from remote PC and save the map.
rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map
Just like the SLAM simulation, Navigation simulation also requires prerequisites from world simulation section. Open a new terminal and run the Navigation node.
roslaunch robot_navigation robot_navigation.launch
Run roscore from remote PC.
Open a new terminal from Single Board Computer (SBC) on the robot and launch the Bringup.
roslaunch robot_bringup robot.launch
Open a new terminal from remote PC and launch the SLAM node.
roslaunch robot_slam robot_slam.launch
Run the teleoperation node to control the robot.
roslaunch robot_teleop robot_teleop_key.launch
Save the map.
rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map
Run roscore from remote PC.
Open a new terminal from Single Board Computer (SBC) on the robot and launch the Bringup.
roslaunch robot_bringup robot.launch
Open a new terminal from remote PC and launch the Navigation node.
roslaunch robot_navigation robot_navigation.launch
For any problem, please report to Issues or contact email [email protected]