The GS-232 costs far too much, so here's a simple Pi based antenna rotator which uses through-hole components wherever possible
The project is CC-BY-SA
This project is currently still EXPERIMENTAL until the board design is finalised, and the driver software made more useful.
Getting Started:
pirotator is installed in the default user home directory - you can change this if you want.
Create the pirotator directory and change into it:
mkdir /home/pi/pirotator
cd /home/pi/pirotator
extract the contents of the repository folder ./home/pirotator to /home/pi/pirotator (this contains config.xml,, etc)
Then, make executable (if it is not already):
chmod u+x
install java 8 (java11+ support available once pi4j is updated):
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
Copy the pirotator.service to systemd (only if you want to start at boot):
sudo cp pirotator.service /etc/systemd/system/pirotator.service
Then, enable the service
sudo systemctl enable pirotator.service
After that you should be good to go and can type:
sudo service pirotator.service start
To enable PPS + GPS + NTPd so you can have your own stratum one equivalent server:
Install the relevant bits:
sudo apt install gpsd gpsd-clients python-gi-cairo pps-tools ntp
Add this to /boot/config.txt