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Symfony-blog 4.4

What's Symfony-blog ?

This project is like a sandbox. The purpose is to implement some cool features to improve my symfony skills but also to help people. This app should be a very good example to show how I implement things like Panther or Mercure ! Feel free to report bugs with an issue !

Also, to improve this project, I'm using some tools like :

Getting Started


This project requires

Clone the project

$ git clone

Run dependencies

$ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server composer install
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/application -w /application node yarn install


I'm using Webpack encore to build assets. Some commands are available, you can run those in a container like :

$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/application -w /application node yarn encore dev
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/application -w /application node yarn encore dev --watch
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/application -w /application node yarn encore production --progress

Just notice that, running those in a container do not trigger webpack-notifier. You should run these commands directly on your host to use it. In this case be sure you have yarn installed.

Running Docker containers

Running containers

$ docker-compose up -d
$ start http://localhost:8000/ # Windows
$ open http://localhost:8000/ # Mac

Stopping containers

$ docker-compose stop


$ docker-compose exec blog-server php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

And run datafixtures

$ docker-compose exec blog-server bin/console hautelook:fixtures:load


You can connect as admin with these infos :

login : admin
password : azerty


To use features that implements swiftmailer, you need to add a MAILER_URL in .env You can use mailtrap for your developments, so your MAILER_URL should look like this :


Github OAuth

For registration with Github, you should register your own OAuth app, follow this link for a quick tutorial. The authorization callback URL should be :


When your app created, you should get a client ID and client secret, remplace these informations in the .env file in the right section. and that's it !

Running tests

$ docker-compose run --rm blog-server ./bin/phpunit

All tests from tests/Functional are writing with Panther

Mercure feature

I implemented a notification feature to test how can we use Mercure in situation. At the moment, a notification will trigger each authenticated user when an admin published a new article. The only thing you are suppose to modify is in docker-composer file

    image: dunglas/mercure
      - '3000:80'
      - JWT_KEY=symfonyBlogJwtToken
      - DEBUG=1

You should adapt the CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS value. In general it would be localhost


This project is released under the MIT license.