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First dry version of the verify command line
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Ducasse committed Jun 10, 2024
1 parent c172671 commit c092aed
Showing 1 changed file with 74 additions and 0 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/Pillar-Cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
here is a typical example of the use of this command line
To build a book pdf
./pharo-ui Pillar.image pillar build pdf
To use a template
./pharo-ui Pillar.image pillar build --templatable html
To use a specific build strategy:
pillar build -a pdf >> build all Pillar documents found in directory
pillar build -m pdf >> default build, only index.pillar is build
NOTE: there is no flag for ""list"" as buildList is called only if files are given as positionals after format
Class {
#name : 'PRBookVerifierCommandLineHandler',
#superclass : 'PRSubCommandLineHandler',
#category : 'Pillar-Cli-Handlers',
#package : 'Pillar-Cli',
#tag : 'Handlers'

{ #category : 'accessing' }
PRBookVerifierCommandLineHandler class >> commandName [
^ 'verify'

{ #category : 'activation' }
PRBookVerifierCommandLineHandler >> activate [

| target result indexFile finder indexFileDoc resource allTrees checker |
target := PRTarget builderForName: 'checkBook'.
indexFile := target filesToBuildOn: self project.
indexFileDoc := (target documentFor: indexFile first) parseInputFile: indexFile first.

"To be turned into an object for example the document resolver"
resource := self project baseDirectory asMicResourceReference.
"We resolved the path of the input so that after we know the exact files."
resource resolveDocument: indexFileDoc.
finder := MicInputFileFinder new.
finder visit: indexFileDoc.
allTrees := finder allFiles collect: [ :each |
| tree |
tree := Microdown parseFile: each reference.
resource resolveDocument: tree.
tree ].
checker := MicReferenceChecker new checkList: allTrees.

Stdio stdout << 'Everything is perfect'.

result exitProcess

{ #category : 'activation' }
PRBookVerifierCommandLineHandler >> requestedBuilder [

| nonOptions |
"also managed ./pillar build book (to be backward compatible)"
nonOptions := self arguments reject: [ :a | a beginsWith: '-' ].
^ nonOptions
ifNotEmpty: [ nonOptions first ]
ifEmpty: [ self errorMissingParameter: 'template' ].

{ #category : 'activation' }
PRBookVerifierCommandLineHandler >> requestedFiles [

| nonOptions |
nonOptions := self arguments reject: [ :a | a beginsWith: '-' ].
^ nonOptions allButFirst

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