I'm Kristian Koivisto-Kokko, I was an expat in Ireland for 15 years, now back in Finland. Experienced Frontend Web Developer, Noodling with backends with Node.js, and wating to Create cool video games and tooling. I also have a day job to actually pay bills, contracting as Moonsault Software :)
- 🔭 I’m currently working on as a Senior Developer at Arcadis.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning the Godot Engine to create games.
- 🖨️ 3D printing enthusiast, trying to learn CAD for modeling as well.
- 💬 Ask me about Loom, StencilJS, Angular, Vue, Node.js, TypeScript, Sass
- 📫 How to reach me:
- bluesky: @kristian.koivisto-kokko.com
- LinkedIn: Kristian Koivisto-Kokko
- itch.io: Poison Vial Industries
- youtube: KristianKoivistoKokko
- web: Pinkkis.com
- company Moonsault Software