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Viktor Smári edited this page Aug 31, 2019 · 17 revisions

WARNING - This Wiki might be out of date!

There are multiple ways of running this software

Virtual environment - ( Recommended )

  1. Create a virtual environment ( You might need to install virtualenv )

virtualenv venv

  1. Activate the virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate

  1. Install django and requirements with the install script

python --venv

  1. Optional: For more fake data run: load_fake_data --full --reset

  1. Start server

venv/bin/python runserver

Docker compose ( Might contain some bugs, let us know! )

  1. Install docker and docker-compose

  2. Build it by issuing: docker-compose up

  3. Then migrate the database: (you might need to run it twice)

    docker-compose run wasaweb python migrate

  4. You also might need to create a superuser

    docker-compose run wasaweb python createsuperuser

  5. If you want some test data to be created for you:

    docker-compose run wasaweb python load_fake_data

default superuser pirate:pirate

users u1:asdf & u2:asdf

Docker (without compose)

docker build -t piratar/wasa2il .
docker run --name wasa2il-dev-container -p 8000:8000 -it piratar/wasa2il

The first command builds a new docker image and gives it the name piratar/wasa2il The second command starts a new docker container based of the latest version of the piaratar/wasa2il image, forwards port 8000 of the docker host to the same port on the docker container, and names it wasa2il-dev-container. The Docker CMD command runs so when running the container for the first time you will be prompted for username, e-mail and password.

Since the sqlite database is created inside the container on the first run, and not for example mounted through a volume, if you want your test data to persist you must re-use the container after building it. You can stop and start the named container like so:

docker stop wasa2il-dev-container


docker start wasa2il-dev-container

Local setup

  1. Install Python. You will need pip installed which is included by default in Python versions 2.7.9

  2. Clone the Wasa2il Git project: git clone

  3. In a command line, run the script, which should guide you through the rest of the process.

If you run into errors manually installing with pip (or get error output from pip wile running, more often than not it's due to you not having MySQL installed. Try commenting those lines out of the requirements.txt file and running pip again.

If you want to run Wasa2il with MySQL, make sure MySQL and the relevant development headers are installed before running pip again.