A webtool written in vue.js to help choose good, relevant hashtags for Instagram posts.
For more details, see the readme documents in each respective folder.
The specification of the REST API in swagger. Look at the swagger.yaml file.
The vue.js project - what a user sees in her browser.
A Python flask setup, serves the REST API.
Disregard this. A better solution is using the webpack way http://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack/proxy.html. Already configured, so the dev server of the frontend creates a proxy to the flask dev server on its own
A docker-compose project, meant to unify both development servers from above onto a single port for convenience.
Follow the setup instructions in each folder.
Start the frontend and backend development servers on ports :8080 and :5000 respectively.
GOOD: Navigate to localhost:8080. The frontend project will proxy to the backend dev server.
BAD: Run the glue project. Navigate to localhost:9000
Start developing.