Added PXLWidgetView having API, analytics, list , grid
improvement: PXLPhotoProductView (similar to Lightbox)
Lifecycle, which is used to play&pause a video can be acquired from the view inside now.
A new view: PXLWidgetView (similar to Widget)
automatically fire APIs[api/v2/albums/from_sku, api/v2/albums/{album_id}/photos] to get and display photos
automatically fire Analytics[openedWidget, widgetVisible]
provide grid (2 and more grid columns) and list layouts
UI Options
turn infinite scroll on/off
turn auto video playing on/off: play a video located at the top of the list
Line Size between items
Image URL: jpg / gif / png / webp / ect
Customizable text: can change the color and size of each charector using SpannableString
Added a new Demo project
This is to provide you a quick start and a demonstration of PXLWidgetView
its directory: /simpleapp
you can run the project from the IDE(Android Studio)
Grid Mode
You can’t perform that action at this time.