Added Mosaic and Horizontal options to PXLWidgetView
Added Mosaic and Horizontal options to PXLWidgetView
Mosaic | Horizontal |
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Import guide for SDK users
Step 1: import this sample code into the app project
- layout
<com.pixlee.pixleesdk.ui.widgets.list.PXLWidgetView android:id="@+id/widget" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/>
- kotlin
binding.widget.initiate( widgetTypeForAnalytics = "your_widget_type", // this will be used when this view automatically fires openedWidget, widgetVisible analytics viewType = PXLWidgetView.ViewType.Mosaic(gridSpan = 4, lineSpace = Space(lineWidthInPixel = 4.px.toInt(),includingEdge = false)), apiParameters = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.Params( // album images searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Album(BuildConfig.PIXLEE_ALBUM_ID), // product images: searchId = PXLKtxBaseAlbum.SearchId.Product(BuildConfig.PIXLEE_SKU), filterOptions = PXLAlbumFilterOptions().apply { // hasProduct and hasPermission are often used together for displaying photos with tagged products and gotten the permission from their creators // if you don't see any photos after the loading is done, go to{your album id} and make sure your photos have the same filter conditions as your filterOptions. hasProduct = true hasPermission = true // more filter options // - hasPermission = true // - inStockOnly = true // - .. there are more. Please check README or PXLAlbumFilterOptions class for more filter options }, sortOptions = PXLAlbumSortOptions().apply { sortType = PXLAlbumSortType.RECENCY descending = true } ), configuration = PXLPhotoView.Configuration().apply { pxlPhotoSize = PXLPhotoSize.MEDIUM imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.CENTER_CROP }, loadMoreTextViewStyle = TextViewStyle().apply { text = "Load More" textPadding = TextPadding(0, 22.px.toInt(), 0, 22.px.toInt()) size = 24.px color = Color.BLACK }, onPhotoClickedListener = { view, photoWithImageScaleType -> // TODO: open lightbox ViewerActivity.launch(this, photoWithImageScaleType) } )
Step 2: Set up Horizontal or Mosaic
- To use Horizontal from PXLWidgetView, you can edit this and replace the value of viewType in the code example with your edited code.
viewType = PXLWidgetView.ViewType.Horizontal(squareSizeInPixel = <your square Size In Pixel>, lineWidthInPixel = 4.px.toInt()),
- To use Mosaic from PXLWidgetView, you can edit this and replace the value of viewType in the code example with your edited code.
viewType = PXLWidgetView.ViewType.Mosaic(gridSpan = 4, lineSpace = Space(lineWidthInPixel = 4.px.toInt(),includingEdge = false)),