- Vanilla Javascript
- Howler.js (for the audio)
BubbleWords is a game for people who want to increase their touch-typing speed and accuracy. Words will appear floating on the screen inside of bubbles, when a player types one of those words correctly, and points are scored. The game will progress, as longer words are added a larger score is needed per round to advance.
This project was really fun to design and build, I had to think a lot about the best way to arrange my project. I ended up using a modular design, with the game object containing data for the game and the display object handling the representation. Even despite planning, it was sometimes difficult to maintain a true seperation of concerns.
- touch typing beginner tutorial rounds
- Animation: Words float upwards and dissapear vertically
- Would it look better if the animation was SVG?
- A target word is displayed on screen
- User keyboard input is tracked and compared against the target
- An accurate timer counts down
- Player wins round if they can type the target word before timer ends
- If timer ends before game over
- Ticking sound for timer
- Typing sound : positive for correct in sequence negative sound for out of sequence.
- Some minimal background music
- animation for timer
- touch typing beginner tutorial rounds
- animated Keyboard highlighting where to press
- Tutorial for finger positioning for correct typing technique.
- Animation: Words float upwards and dissapear vertically
- Would it look better if the animation was SVG?
- Finding the best way to structure game logic
- Animation could get confusing
- Setting MVP priority first