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OSL metadata standardisation proposal

Draft 1

Table of contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Support Levels
  3. Common Keywords
  4. page
  5. widget
    1. null
    2. number
    3. string
    4. checkBox
    5. color
    6. popup
    7. mapper
    8. fileInput
    9. colorRamp
    10. floatRamp
  6. Arrays
  7. Conditional visibility or locking
  8. DCC app integration


User interfaces are important for usability and enforcing conventions across DCCs goes a long way towards makintg artists' work easier.

Currently, OSL defines only a few metadata keywords, representing a subset of Katana's UI capabilities. Then, there are all the other DCCs like Houdini, Maya, Cinema4D, Blender, etc, which support either none, a subset or an entirely different set of UI metadata keywords.

This area is ripe for standardization and having implemented many of these keywords in RenderMan for Maya, I am confident this would greatly improve user experience at a reasonnable cost.

The emphasis of this proposal is to define a somewhat minimal set of UI hints that may be supported by most DCC applications.

Support levels

Given the number of controls to implement, it may be useful to introduce support levels.

  • partial : Only support a small number of randomly chosen keywords.
  • basic : Support a minimal standard set of keywords.
  • full : Support most if not all keywords.

One would hope that developers implements at least the basic level, as it would already provide a reasonnable user-experience.

As of today:

  • RenderMan plugins are very close to full support.
  • 3Delight plugins are very close to full support.
  • Arnold plugins mostly ignore parameter metadata as it historically relied on an external metadata file.
  • Blender only supports 4 keywords.
  • VRay TBD
  • Redshift TBD
  • Octane TBD

Common keywords

These keywords are supported by all widgets.

Keyword Type Description Level
label string A user-friendly name used in the UI basic
help string A description of the parameter that may appear in the UI basic
readOnly int If non-zero, only connections will be considered. Defaults to 0. full
connectable int Specifies if this parameter accepts an incoming connection. If not connectable, the host app should forbid connections. Default to 1. full



Assign the parameter to a page defined as a dot-separated path, i.e. "Specular.Advanced".

Widget options Type Description Level
open int If 1, the page UI is expanded by default full
Sample code
color specularTint = 1
    string page = "Specular",
    string label = "Tint",
float specularIOR = 1.5
    string page = "Specular",
    string label = "Index of Refraction",
    float min = 1.0
int specularModel = 1
    string page = "Specular",
    string label = "Model",
    string widget = "mapper",
    string options = "Beckmann:0|GGX:1"


Defines which widget type will control the parameter. All parameter types default to a sensible widget if un-defined in the metadata block.

Widget: null


Parameters using a null widget are invisible in the UI.

Sample code
string asset_version = "2.3.0"
    string widget = "null"

Widget: number


A widget for editable numeric values. This is the default widget used for number parameters.

Widget options Type Description Level
min float / int An absolute minimum value for the parameter. basic
max float / int An absolute maximum value for the parameter. basic
digits int Number of digits displayed after the decimal point. full
slider int If non-zero, display a slider to edit the value. full
slidermin float / int Minimum value of the slider. full
slidermax float / int Maximum value of the slider. full
Sample code
float ior = 1.5
    string widget = "number",
    float min = 0.0,
    float max = 2.5,
    int slider = 1,
    string help = "The Substrate's Index Of Refraction"

Widget: string


Default widget type used for string parameters.

Sample code
string variant = "default"
    string widget = "string",
    string label = "Variant",

Widget: checkBox


An int parameter displayed as a boolean check box.

Sample code
int invert = 0
    string widget = "checkBox",
    string label = "Invert Output"

Widget: color


A widget used to edit color parameters.

Widget options Type Description Level
color_enableFilmlookVis1 int Enable color-managed UI. full
color_restrictComponents int Limit components to [0:1] full
Sample code
color albedo = "default"
    string widget = "color",
    int color_enableFilmlookVis = 1,
    string label = "Albedo"

Widget: popup


Display a pop-up menu or combox box with literal choices for a string parameter.

Widget options Type Description Level
options string A pipe-delimited list of menu items, i.e. "One|Two|Three" basic
editable int If non-zero, present an editable field with a side menu full
Sample code
string sss_mode = "default"
    string widget = "popup",
    string options = "burley|random walk"

Widget: mapper


An menu presenting associative choices (like enums) for int, float and string parameters.

Widget options Type Description Level
options string A pipe-delimited list of menu items : value pairs. basic
Sample code
int compositingMode = 0
    string widget = "mapper",
    string options = "Over:0|Add:1|Screen:3|Mult:2|Overlay:4",
    string label = "Compositing Mode"

Widget: fileInput


A string attributes containing a file path. There should always be an associated button to open a file browser and select the file.

Widget options Type Description Level
fileTypes string A comma-delimited list of extensions, i.e. "tex,tx,exr", to filter the dialog's file list. full
assetDialog int Controls if an asset selection dialog should be prefered to a standard file browser. Defaults to 1 and fallback to a standard file dialog is not available. full
Sample code
string texture = ""
    string widget = "fileInput",
    string label = "Texture"

Widget: colorRamp



OSL's spline interpolation shadeops only work on static arrays when most users actually want dynamic arrays. This forces the shader writer to copy multiple dynamic arrays to static arrays. I don't know the exact cost of that operation but it would be great to get rid of this limitation.


Start and end knots need to be repeated n-times depending on the interpolation scheme. It would be nice to add an option flag to let the spline shadeop automatically select the correct number of repetitions.


It would be good to make sure DCC app widgets support all standard OSL interpolation modes. Last time I checked Maya did not, blender used other bases, etc.


Do we really want to support per-knot interpolation bases ?

  • It adds a lot of complexity to the shader code, as you need to change the number of knots based on the selected basis and compute these extra points positions and values to enforce a predefined c0/c1 continuity heuristic.
    • Even if this is partially handled by the DCC UI, it adds a lot of book-keeping.
  • Some bases allow for smooth and discontinuous tangents, which is, I believe, flexible enough.
    • The artist will be responsible for creating enough knots, beyond the standard beginning/end repetitions, and will be guided by the UI's visual feedback.

Color ramps depend on multiple parameters to provide knots position, knots value and knots interpolation.

The main parameter is an int parameter with a colorRamp widget. Its value is the number of currently used knots. This representation allows support of fixed-size ramps.

The metadata MUST define 3 additional keywords (rampKnots, rampColors and rampInterp) to be functional. If any of theme is missing, an error should be raised.


Should we extend oslc to validate metadata ?

Widget options Type Description Level
rampKnots string Name of the parameter storing knot positions. full
rampColor string Name of the parameter storing knot colors. full
rampInterp string Name of the parameter storing interpolation bases.
  • If that parameter is a string array, each span can have a different interpolation basis.
  • If that parameter is a string, all spans use the same interpolation basis.
rampHeight int The height of the gradient widget in pixels. full
Sample code
int colorMap = 4
    string label = "Color Map",
    string widget = "colorRamp",
    string rampKnots = "colorMap_Knots",
    string rampColors = "colorMap_Colors",
    string rampInterp = "colorMap_Interpolation",
    int rampHeight = 25,
float colorMap_Knots[] = {0, 0,
                          1, 1}
    int isDynamicArray = 1,
    string widget = "null",
float colorMap_Knots[] = {color(0), color(0),
                          color(1), color(1)}
    int isDynamicArray = 1,
    string widget = "null",
    int restrictComponents = 1
float colorMap_Interpolation[] = {"catmull-rom", "catmull-rom",
                                  "catmull-rom", "catmull-rom"}
    int isDynamicArray = 1,
    string widget = "null",

Widget: floatRamp


The main parameter is an int parameter with a colorRamp widget.

  • Its value is the number of currently used knots. This representation allows support of fixed-size ramps.

The metadata MUST define 3 additional keywords (rampKnots, rampColors and rampInterp) to be functional.

  • If any of theme is missing, an error should be raised.
Widget options Type Description Level
rampKnots string Name of the parameter storing knot positions. full
rampColor string Name of the parameter storing knot colors. full
rampInterp string Name of the parameter storing interpolation bases.
  • If that parameter is a string array, each span can have a different interpolation basis.
  • If that parameter is a string, all spans use the same interpolation basis.
rampHeight int The height of the gradient widget in pixels. full
Sample code
int attenuationCurve = 5
    string label = "Attenuation Curve",
    string widget = "floatRamp",
    string rampKnots = "attenCrv_Knots",
    string rampFloats = "attenCrv_Values",
    string rampInterp = "attenCrv_Interpolation",
    int rampHeight = 25,
float attenCrv_Knots[] = {0, 0, 0.5, 1, 1}
    int isDynamicArray = 1,
    string widget = "null",
float attenCrv_Values[] = {0, 0, 0.3333, 1, 1}
    int isDynamicArray = 1,
    string widget = "null"
float attenCrv_Interpolation[] = {"catmull-rom", "catmull-rom",
                                  "catmull-rom", "catmull-rom",
    int isDynamicArray = 1,
    string widget = "null",



OSL support array parameters of any types and the metadata allows writers to decide which widget should be used.

  • Dynamic arrays allow the addition, re-ordering and removal of array elements.
  • UI Structs are a way to display multiple arrays as if they were a single array of structs, which isn't natively supported by OSL, but useful to group, for example, layer parameters. If the arrays are dynamic, it will be the responsability of the DCC app to keep all participating arrays at the same size at all times.
Array options Type Description Level
size int Static arrays: the array size.
Dynamic arrays: the number of existing members on node creation. Defaults to -1 for empty.
isDynamicArray int Specifies if the array can be resized. full
uiStruct string Associate this array with a named struct-like UI where members of multiple arrays are displayed interlaced. full
tupleSize int Specifies the tuple size (column count). This is passed to the child widgets. full
tupleGroupSize int Specifies the number of tuples each child widget should handle. full
Sample code
int triplanarAxisEnable[3] = {1, 1, 1}
    string label = "Enable Axis"
    string widget = "checkBox",
    int size = 3,
    string uiStruct = "Triplanar Axes",
string triplanarAxisTexture[3] = {"", "", ""}
    string label = "Texture"
    string widget = "fileInput",
    int size = 3,
    string uiStruct = "Triplanar Axes",
float triplanarAxisRepeat[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
    string label = "Enable Axis",
    string widget = "number",
    int size = 3,
    string uiStruct = "Triplanar Axes",
    int slider = 1,
    float min = 0.0001,
    float slidermax = 10.0

Conditional visibility or locking


These keywords allow to control a parameter's visibility or editability based on the value of one or more shader parameters. The comparison rules are defined as a set of pair-wise comparisons: prefixPath prefixOp prefixValue or prefixLeft prefixOp prefixRight


Katana uses conditionalVis / conditionalLock but I prefer a shorter keyword as it is still descriptive enough. TBD.


Pages should also support conditional visibility and locking.
How about pageVis* and pageLock* ?

The keyword structure is as follows:

  1. The root token is vis or lock.
  2. It is followed by an optional identifying suffix.
  3. It ends with one of the following tokens: Op, Path, Value, Left, Right.
Visibility Type Description Level
vis*Path string Parameter path constituting the left side of the comparison. full
vis*Op string Comparison method to show/hide this parameter full
vis*Value string A value for the right side of the comparison. full
Locking Type Description Level
lock*Path string Parameter path constituting the left side of the comparison. full
lock*Op string the comparison method to lock/inlock this parameter full
lock*Value string A value for the right side of the comparison. full
Comparisons Description Level
equalTo prefixPath == prefixValue full
notEqualTo prefixPath != prefixValue full
greaterThan prefixPath > prefixValue full
lessThan prefixPath < prefixValue full
greaterThanOrEqualTo prefixPath >= prefixValue full
lessThanOrEqualTo prefixPath <= prefixValue full
and prefixLeft <= prefixRight full
or prefixLeft <= prefixRight full
Sample code
// Make linearize_sRGB visible if
// (textureName != "" && textureGain > 0).
//  >  visLeft = visTexPath visTexOp visTexValue
//  >  visRight = visGainPath visGainOp visGainValue
//  >  Visibility = visLeft visOp VisRight

string textureName = ""
    string widget = "fileInput"
float textureGain = 1.0
    int slider = 1,
    float min = 0.0,
    float slidermax = 2.0
int linearize_sRGB = 0
    string widget = "checkBox",

    string visTexPath = "../textureName",
    string visTexOp = "notEqualTo",
    string visTexValue = ""

    string visGainPath = "../textureGain",
    string visGainOp = "greaterThan",
    string visGainValue = "0.0"

    string visLeft = "visTex",
    string visOp = "and",
    string visRight = "visGain",

DCC app integration


Occasionaly, OSL shaders need to carry more metadata to make integrate with host applications.

Visibility Type Description Level
*_nodeID int/string Some apps like maya require a unique nodeID to avoid collisions. This should be prefixed with an identifier like a plugin name, i.e. rfm_nodeID full
tags string[] a number of tags to help the host app categorize / handle OSL nodes. full
*_attribute string Specifies the name of the attribute that corresponds to this parameter. It should be prefixed an identifier like a plugin name, i.e. 3dlmaya_attribute full
hidden int Maya-specific: set the hidden flag of the attribute created for this parameter. full
niceName string Maya-specific: Sets the nice name of the attribute for display in the UI. full

Sample code

shader voronoi
    string tags[1] = {"texture/2d"},
    string 3dl_maya_nodeID = "0x00",
    string help = "Computes a procedural voronoi patterns."



  1. This is a Katana-ism and I would prefer something more generic like color_managed that doesn't mention "film".


A standardization proposal for UI metadata






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