This contains a simple kubernetes controller that renews AWS ECR authorization token image pull secrets periodically, it also needs to cater for newly created or updated namespaces
This is specifically for a kubernetes cluster not running on EC2 host instances, but where we need to pull images from multiple AWS ECRs
Current implementation creates image pull secrets in each namespace that are labelled with a key that matches a ECR DNS, this allows for using multiple ECR registries
Will need to create an AWS credential secret in the ci-cd namespace for each ECR registry that we need to pull images from
Expects to run on a 1.9+ cluster
- See k8s/
- Create an AWS IAM user that has permission to read from an AWS account registry (ecr-puller in our case)
- Create a k8s namespace (ci-cd in our case)
- Create AWS credential secrets in the ci-cd namespace which will be used to renew the ECR authorization tokens (This is for the AWS IAM user that has permissions to pull all images from our AWS account registies)
- Create a k8s service account, cluster role and cluster role binding for our deployment
- Build a docker image and push to docker hub (Nothing sensitive in the image)
- Run a deployment with this app as a single instance pod, see k8s/
- It uses a namespace informer to react to new or updated cluster namespaces
- Initially the informer raises an add event for each of the existing cluster namespaces
- It will try to create image pull secrets for namespaces that have labels that match a ECR DNS, if an equivalent AWS ECR credential secret exists in the host namespace (ci-cd)
- It periodically renews the image pull secrets for all the cluster namespaces, this addresses the 12 hour ECR expiry
- It reacts to any newly added or updated cluster namespaces creating new image pull secrets if appropriate labels are found
- Currently re-creates all the cluster namespace image pull secrets as we do not expect namespaces to be modified very often, so lets keep it simple
- The instance surfaces the following prometheus metrics (counters)
Counter name | Description |
secrets_created_total | Number of secrets that have been created (new or updated), uses a namespace and name label |
secret_renewals_total | Number of secret renewals made |
- Should use golang v1.9+
- Deps can be tricky with client-golang
- Decided not to commit the vendor directory at this time
- Explicitly added as a .gitignore so repo is small
- Dependency management tool, see
go get -u
- Hurray for dep it just worked
- I have up to date copies of the following repos, with all their deps
# Initialise the vendor dir
dep init -v
- I have commited the Gopkg.toml and Gopkg.lock dep files, so you should be able to restore the vendor directory
# Ensure you have dep tool and we have vendor content - Only need this once
make ensure-deps
# Build
make build
# Get options
./eatr --help
# Assumes your kube config file is at ~/.kube/config or you have set the KUBECONFIG env var, also assumes the user has AWS privileges
# Run with fast renew all loop (20 seconds), informers resync interval (5 seconds) and verbose logging (6 to see more glog logs from the client-go componemts can use 9)
./eatr \
-auth-token-renewal-interval 20s \
-informers-resync-interval 5s \
-logging-verbosity-level 6
# Can see metrics with
curl localhost:5000/metrics
- Will build a statically linked binary via a multi-stage docker file, needs a recent docker CE and will be slow......
# Using VERSION file - prefered method
make image
# Passing explicit version via make arg
make image VERSION=30
- Did not bother adding a make target
- Will just use automated builds in dockerhub, hence the hooks directory, see
Create AWS account(s) to pull images - should do this for each AWS account we will need to pull images from - here I assume it is okay to pull from all repositories in the registry
- ecr-puller is the default user name
- You need to create this before you need to pull ECR images, have not included in the Makefile as there are any number of ways to manage this
- Included a terraform k8s/ file as a reference
- Could create with the following aws cli commands
aws iam create-user --user-name ecr-puller
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess --user-name ecr-puller
- Assumes your kube config file is at ~/.kube/config or you have set the KUBECONFIG env var
- Deploy
kubectl apply -f k8s/eatr.yaml
- Do this for each ECR puller AWS account and region that we need to pull images from
- First generate an AWS access key from the AWS console for the ecr-puller IAM user
# Don't want these in our history, access key is for the ecr-puller AWS IAM user
k8s/ ${aws_account_id}" "${aws_region}" "${aws_user_name}" "${k8s_namespace}" "${aws_access_key_id}" "${aws_secret_access_key}"
- Label each namespace that needs to be able to pull ECR images
- A namespace may need to pull from multiple ECR registries, so apply multiple labels if needed
kubectl label namespace ${k8s_namespace} ${aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${aws_region}"true"
- Removes k8s cluster content - Namespace, service account, cluster role, cluster role binding and deployment
- Will not remove the namespace lables or namespace secrets
- Can complete with the sections after this
- Only issue is the auth token secrets will exist until the 12 hour expiry is completed after which they will be redundant
kubectl delete -f k8s/eatr.yaml
- Can do partial cleanups with the following
# Can use this to identify all labelled namespaces
kubectl get namespaces -o json | jq -r '.items[].metadata | select(has("labels") and (.labels | with_entries(select(.key | match(".*ecr.*$"))) | length) > 0) | {name: .name, labels: .labels}'
# Note trailing '-' which indicates removal
kubectl label namespace ${namespace} ${label_name}-
# Can use this to identify candidate secrets
kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces
kubectl delete secret ${secret_name} --namespace ${namespace} ${secret_name}
# Can use this to identify candidate secrets
kubectl get secrets --namespace ci-cd -o json | jq -r '.items[].metadata | select(.name | match("eatr-aws-credentials.*")) | .name'
kubectl delete secret ${secret_name} --namespace ci-cd