This repository has 3 versions of John Conway's "Game of Life". It is sometimes described as a zero-player computer game. The game starts with a set of live cells within a large (infinite) rectalinear grid, and each suceeding generation is calculated using a couple of simple rules. If a cell was alive during the previous generation, and had fewer than 2 live neighbors it dies of loneliness, and if it had more than 3 live neighbors it dies from overcrowding, but otherwise remains alive if it had 2 or 3 live neighbors. If a cell was "dead" in the previous generation, but had exactly 3 living neighbors, then a new cell is "born" at that location. The rules are simple, but yield surprisingly complex behaviors--in fact it has been shown that the game of life is actually turing complete, that is, it can be used to construct a traditional computer.
The three versions I have are:
- -- a strictly text based command line implemntation
- -- an implenation using the pygame SDL graphics library
- -- a full GUI application built using wxPython
All three should run on Windows, MacOS and Linux, though I haven't tested them on Windows myself.