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Governance, Risk and Compliance (GGRC)

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Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance are activities necessary for any organization with regulatory or contractual obligations.

Governance refers to management structure, policies, procedures, shareholder relations, etc.

Risk Management is a process to identify business and technical risks as well as means to mitigate those.

Compliance refers to processes necessary to meet applicable regulations and communicate to stakeholders about it.

Many organizations operate in multiple jurisdictions worldwide, each of which has its own and often overlapping laws and regulations. Organizational functions and information relating to risk management and compliance often tend to be managed in silos reflecting the multiple jurisdictions, scope, stakeholder diversity and historical basis. This leads to inefficiency.

The GGRC project intends to provide an open source solution for managing some of these common problems. The application provides a common system of record for information in this domain. It provides the ability to capture the relationships and to understand how the pieces fit together. It also provides workflow capability to manage processes in this domain.

Migrated from Google Code.


The following software is required to stand up a GGRC-Core development environment:

Prerequisite Description
Docker Container management tool
Docker compose A tool for defining multi-container apps

NOTE for Windows/OSX users: The easiest way of getting docker is by installing the docker toolbox.

Or alternatively with our legacy vagrant environment:

Prerequisite Description
VirtualBox Oracle VirtualBox Virtual Machine player
Vagrant Handy scriptable VM management
Ansible Provisioning and deployment tool

Quick Start with Docker

Getting started with GGRC-Core development should be fast and easy once you have docker up and running. Here are the steps:

NOTE for Windows/OSX users: Make sure docker is up and running by following the windows guide / osx guide.

  • clone the repo

  • cd to the project directory

  • run the following:

    git submodule update --init
    docker-compose up -d
    docker exec -it ggrccore_dev_1 su vagrant
    make -B bower_components

If you see download errors during the docker-compose up -d stage, or if any subsequent step fails, try running docker-compose build (See Reprovisioning a Docker container below for more).

NOTE: Because docker shared volumes do not have permission mappings, you should run these commands as a user with UID 1000, to match the users inside the containers.

Quick Start with Vagrant (legacy)

Alternative setup is using vagrant

  • clone the repo

  • cd to the project directory

  • make sure you use ansible version 1.9.X (if it's not in the repositories, you can install it via pip)

  • run the following:

    git submodule update --init
    vagrant up
    vagrant ssh

If you see download errors during the vagrant up stage, or if any subsequent step fails, try running vagrant provision (See Provision a running Vagrant VM below for more).

Now you're in the VM and ready to rock. Get to work!

Launching GGRC as Stand-alone Flask

Most development is done in a stand-alone flask. We strive to make getting up and running as simple as possible; to that end, launching the application is simple:


Launching GGRC in Google App Engine SDK

We strive to make getting up and running as simple as possible; to that end, launching the application in the Google App Engine SDK environment is simple:


This requires src/app.yaml and src/ with settings. You can generate the yaml file with:

deploy_appengine extras/

And the file with:

make appengine_packages_zip

Accessing the Application

The application will be accessible via this URL: http://localhost:8080/

If you're running the Google App Engine SDK, the App Engine management console will be available via this URL: http://localhost:8000/. You can login as [email protected] with admin rights and setup other users later.

Running Tests

Tests are your friend! Keep them running, keep them updated.

For JavaScript tests:

run_karma # To run karma with PhantomJS
run_karma_chrome # To run karma in host browser (open http://localhost:9876)

run_karma is the default way of running tests as it automatically builds the javascript assets on file changes. Use run_karma_chrome if you need to debug an issue in the chrome browser. For performance reasons run_karma_chrome does not automatically build assets, so make sure you do it manually by running build_assets.

For Python tests:


The script will run unit tests and integration tests.

For better usage of unit tests you can use sniffer inside the test/unit folder. This will run the tests on each file update.

cd test/unit; sniffer

You can drop into ipdb debugger on failures by running:

run_pytests --ipdb-failures

For Selenium tests:

On the host machine in the root of the repository run:

Manually running selenium tests

For selenium tests, you must use the docker environment. There are two containers needed for running seleium tests ggrccore_dev_1 and ggrccore_selenium_1. Due to a bug in the selenium container, you must start the containers with:

docker-compose  up -d --force-recreate

After that you can make sure that both containers are running with docker ps -a.

To run the selenium tests, you must login into your dev container, and run the server:

docker exec -it ggrccore_dev_1 su vagrant
make bower_components

Then you can login into the selenium container and run the tests:

docker exec -it ggrccore_selenium_1 bash
python /selenium/src/

You should also feel free to check how the ./bin/jenkins/run_selenium script works.

NOTE: that the "ggrccore" part of the name is due to the repository parent folder name. if you have your repo in a different folder, change the first part accordingly.

Quickstart Breakdown

The quickstart above gives a glimpse into the GGRC development environment. It's worth noting where there is automation in GGRC, and where there isn't. Often the lack of automation support for a step is intentional. Let's explore each step in detail.

Git Submodules in GGRC

GGRC makes use of some external tools for Sass templates and JavaScript form handling. In order to have the relevant repositories checked out as Git submodules the following command must be issued in the project directory:

git submodule update --init


GGRC-Core provides both a Vagrantfile and an Ansible playbook to make standing up a development environment simple and repeatable thanks to the magic of Vagrant and Ansible. Vagrant enables developers to use a consistent and shared VM configuration to perform application testing while allowing developers to use the source code editing environment of their choice.


The application is run in a virtual machine environment that can be repeatably, consistently, and reliably constructed thanks to Vagrant. In order to use Vagrant to create and manage the development virtual machine environment, it must first be created by issuing the following command from the project directory:

vagrant up

This results in the creation of the virtual machine and the provisioning of required software to support the development and execution of GGRC.

Reprovisioning a Vagrant VM

There are several ways to update the provisioning of a Vagrant VM when changes have been made to the cookbooks or other dependency management mechanisms in GGRC.

Provision a running Vagrant VM

To run provisioning on a running Vagrant VM, simply run the following in the project directory:

vagrant provision
Provisioning a halted Vagrant VM

If you have halted your Vagrant VM via vagrant halt, simply vagrant up in the project directory to have provisioning run and update your development environment.

Clean Slate Provisioning

To create a clean slate environment in your Vagrant VM you can either reload or recreate the environment. To reload the environment issue the following command in the project directory:

vagrant reload

To completely recreate the environment issue the following command in the project directory:

vagrant destroy
vagrant up

Reprovisioning a Docker container

To reprovision a docker container run the following:

Remove files that are not in the repository e.g. python cache:

git clean -df

Start reprovisioning:

docker-compose build --pull --no-cache

Because docker provisioning is done with Dockerfile which can not modify content of a shared volume, you need to enter the container and run one more step to finish the provisioning

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
docker exec -it ggrccore_dev_1 su vagrant
make bower_components

Compiling Sass Templates

Since GGRC uses Sass for CSS templating, the templates need to be compiled. This has been automated via a script available in $PATH in the virtual machine:


To have a process watch the Sass resources and compile them as they are changed you could use this command:


Compiling Assets

For other asset bundling required, there is the following command:


As for CSS, there is an asset builder that can watch for changes and update files as they change:


Importing Example Data

Example test data can be loaded with the following command:

db_reset backup-file.sql


After sync'ing your local clone of GGRC-Core you may experience a failure when trying to run the application due to a change (usually an addition) to the prerequisites.

There are three primary classes of requirements for GGRC-Core: Submodules, Python requirements and other provision steps

There are two pip requirements files: a runtime requirements file, src/requirements.txt, for application package dependencies and a development requirements file, src/requirements-dev.txt, for additional development-time package dependencies. The runtime requirements are deployed with the application while the development requirements are only used in the development environment (largely for testing purposes).

Most requirements changes should be in either src/requirements.txt or src/requirements-dev.txt and would manifest as module import failures.

Environment Variables


GGRC uses this environment variable to define which module(s) within ggrc.settings to use during the bootstrap phase. The value can be one or more space-separated module names, which will be applied in the same order they are specified. source bin/init_env will set this value to development.

Details About VM File Structure

vagrant provision installs several Debian packages globally within the VM. All other project data is contained within two directories, specified by environment variables (and defined in /home/vagrant/.bashrc).


Points at root directory of the Git repository, and is automatically detected if not present.


Points at a directory containing tmp and opt directories. If not defined, DEV_PREFIX defaults to the value of PREFIX. (In the VM, it is defined to /vagrant-dev to avoid slowdown caused by the shared filesystem at /vagrant.)

Changes to Requirements Files

The first thing to try to resolve issues due to missing prerequisites is to run the following command from within the project directory in the host operating system:

vagrant provision

or if you're using docker:

docker-compose build

This will prompt vagrant to run the Ansible provisioner or docker to rebuild the containers. The result of this command should be an update Python virtualenv containing the Python packages required by the application as well as any new development package requirements.

To Manually update the requirements, you can login to vagrant or docker virtual machine and run

pip install -r src/requirements-dev.txt
pip install --no-deps -r src/requirements.txt

Note that if you're using launch_gae_ggrc, then changes to src/requirements.txt will require rebuilding the src/ via

make appengine_packages_zip

Git Submodule Changes

A change in the git submodules required by the project could also lead to errors, particularly in the front-end HTML portion of the application. The solution is to update the submodules:

git submodule update

Given that Sass and Javascript related projects are included in the submodule requirements of GGRC, it may also be necessary to rebuild the Sass and other web assets:


Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Google Inc., authors, and contributors (see the AUTHORS file). Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license (see the LICENSE file).


No packages published


  • Python 47.5%
  • JavaScript 32.0%
  • HTML 16.0%
  • CSS 3.8%
  • Shell 0.5%
  • Makefile 0.1%
  • Mako 0.1%