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The Poki for Developers command line utility allows you to upload game builds directly from your terminal or CI-pipeline.


You can run it directly the command using npx:

npx @poki/cli --help

Or you can add this to your project's package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "poki-upload": "poki upload"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@poki/cli": "*"

And then run npm install or yarn install to install the dependency.


Before you can upload a build you will need to configure your game ID using the following command:

npx @poki/cli init --game c7bfd2ba-e23b-486f-9504-a6f196cb44df --build-dir dist

Replace c7bfd2ba-e23b-486f-9504-a6f196cb44df with your game ID (can be found in the address bar on your game page on And replace dist with your build directory. This is the directory that will be uploaded to Poki for Developers.

This will create a poki.json file in the root of your project containing the following:

  "game_id": "c7bfd2ba-e23b-486f-9504-a6f196cb44df",
  "build_dir": "dist"

Alternatively you can add this to your package.json:

  "poki": {
    "game_id": "c7bfd2ba-e23b-486f-9504-a6f196cb44df",
    "build_dir": "dist"

Uploading a build

To upload a new build you can simply run:

npx @poki/cli upload --name "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" --notes "$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)"

# Or if you've configured the scripts in the package.json using npm:
npm run-script poki-upload
# Using yarn
yarn poki-upload

Do make sure your game is built correctly in the configured build_dir.

When using the upload command for the first time your browser will be opened and you'll be asked to authenticate. The authentication credentials will be stored in a $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/poki/auth.json, $HOME/.config/poki/auth.json or %LOCALAPPDATA%\Poki\auth.json.

Also note that a Review still needs to be requested manually on the Poki for Developers platform (for now).

Full usage

$ npx @poki/cli --help

  poki init    Create a poki.json configuration file
  poki upload  Upload a new version to Poki for Developers

      --version  Show version number
  -h, --help     Show help

  poki init --game c7bfd2ba-e23b-486f-9504-a6f196cb44df --build-dir dist
  poki upload --name "New Version Name"
  poki upload --name "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" --notes "$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)"