Flutter widget to use Markup to easily create formatted Text.
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is a wrapper for RichText
that simplifies the creation of text with mixed styles.
MarkupText("This is a (b)Markup(/b) example with (c deepPurple)a purple text(/c)")
The style
parameter works as with the Text
widget. Styles defined will merge with default Style for Text.
"This is a (b)bold(/b) text (a http://flutter.dev)with a link(/a),"
" an (u)underlined(/u) word (a http://pub.dev)with"
" a second link containing a word in (i)italics(/i)(/a) and (c #ff0000)colored(/c) words"
" (c deepPurpleAccent)here(/c) and (c green)there(/c).",
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
"(c purple)(icon flight_takeoff) Departures(/c)\n"
"(c teal)(icon flight_land) Arrivals(/c)",
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
The following tags are recognized by the widget
Use tag (b)..(/b) for bold text
MarkupText("This is a (b)bold(/b) text")
Use tag (i)..(/i) for italic text
MarkupText("This is an (i)italic(/i) text")
Use tag (u)..(/u) for underlined text
MarkupText("This is an (u)underlined(/u) text")
Use tag (a <url>)..(/a) to create links
MarkupText("(a http://example.com)This is a link(/a)")
Use tag (c <color>)..(/c) to create colored text
MarkupText("(c #ff0000)Colors from RGB codes(/c)")
MarkupText("(c amber)You can also use named colors(/c)")
You can use all the colors included in the Material Colors
class from Flutter.
You can check the full list below.
Use tag (icon <icon name>) to insert an icon. The icon will be colored when affected by a color tag.
MarkupText("(c red)(icon error) An error has occurred(/c)")
You can use all the icons included in the Material Icons
class from Flutter.
<color> can be either a RGB color code started with #
or a named color. Valid names are the ones defined on the Flutter Colors class: