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Repository files navigation

💡 What does this script do?

This script reads a list of DOIs from list.txt, fetches metadata from CrossRef API, and checks if those papers exist in Poseidon Archives (community-archive, aadr-archive, minotaur-archive). It then generates an HTML table (index.html) displaying:

✔ Paper title
✔ Publication year & exact date
✔ First author’s name
✔ Journal name
✔ Availability in Poseidon archives (✔ or ✘)
✔ A search bar for filtering by title
Dropdown filters for the archives

Every time list.txt is updated and a commit is pushed, this script runs and updates index.html on GitHub Pages.

⚙️ Technical Requirements

  • Python Version: Python 3.x
  • Required Libraries:
    pip install requests Jinja2
  • Files:
    • list.txt → List of DOIs (one per line)
    • → The main script
    • index.html → The generated output file

🔍 How the Functions Work

1️⃣ get_crossref_metadata(doi, index, total)

Fetches metadata from CrossRef API.
Extracts title, year, journal, date, first author’s name.
Formats publication date into YYYY-MM-DD.
Prints progress updates like:

(1 / 100) Querying metadata for 10.1002/ajpa.23312

2️⃣ fetch_poseidon_bibliography(archive_name)

Calls Poseidon API to check available DOIs for a given archive.
Extracts DOI list from community-archive, aadr-archive, and minotaur-archive.
Prints status messages while fetching:

Fetching DOI data from community-archive...

3️⃣ load_poseidon_doi_map()

Collects all available DOIs from all Poseidon archives.
Stores data in a dictionary mapping DOIs → available archives.

4️⃣ preprocess_doi(doi)

Cleans up DOI format by removing extra spaces & "".

5️⃣ check_for_duplicates(dois)

Checks list.txt for duplicate DOIs.
If duplicates are found, it prints a warning:

WARNING: Duplicate DOIs found:
- 10.1002/ajpa.23312

6️⃣ generate_html(papers, output_file)

Creates index.html using a Jinja2 template.
Adds search bar to filter by title.
Adds dropdown filters to show/hide papers based on Poseidon archive availability.
Formats clickable DOI links like this:

<a href="">10.1002/ajpa.23312</a>

Prints progress while updating:

Updating index.html...
index.html successfully updated!

🚀 How to Run the Script

  1. Add DOIs to list.txt (one per line).
  2. Run the script:
  3. Open index.html to see the results!

This is a fully automated workflow that updates the table and deploys it to GitHub Pages whenever input.txt changes.

GitHub Actions Workflow runs everything behind the scenes. No manual updates needed!