Welcome to the "London Bike Sharing Dataset - Statistical Data Analysis" repository! This project aims to perform a comprehensive statistical data analysis of the London bike-sharing dataset, which is sourced from Kaggle. The dataset contains valuable information about bike trips taken in London, and through our analysis, we seek to gain insights into bike usage patterns, user behavior, and more.
The London Bike Sharing Dataset is a rich collection of bike-sharing data collected from various bike rental stations in London. It includes information such as trip duration, start and end times, user types, and more. The dataset is provided in CSV format and is made available on Kaggle, a well-known platform for data science and machine learning enthusiasts. 🔗 Dataset Source: London Bike Sharing Dataset on Kaggle
You can see the codes and the result of the project as well as viewer's comments on Kaggle - EDA+XGboost, Random Forest (Outlier removed) .
Codes are written in R
R markdown Project.Rmd : The main project codes in Rmarkdown
Project-edited.pdf : Rmarkdown in PDF view
Technical Report.pdf : Report of Project + Graph insights
London Bike Sharing_Presentation.pdf : Presentation File
london_merged.csv : Dataset File