In this homework we will gradually develop a small programming language called Hi.
Create a .cabal
file with both a library and an executable:
library exposed-modules: ... build-depends: ... ...
executable hi main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: ... build-depends: ... ...
In the library component, create the following modules:
You are allowed to add more modules to the project, but those are the required ones.
, define the following data types:data HiFun -- function names (e.g. div, sort, length, ...) data HiValue -- values (numbers, booleans, strings, ...) data HiExpr -- expressions (literals, function calls, ...) data HiError -- evaluation errors (invalid arguments, ...)
In each task, we will add constructors to these data types that are needed to implement new language features.
, define the following function:parse :: String -> Either (ParseErrorBundle String Void) HiExpr
type comes from themegaparsec
package which we will use to implement our parser.In
, define the following function:prettyValue :: HiValue -> Doc AnsiStyle
types come from theprettyprinter
packages respectively. This function renders a value to a document, which in turn can be either printed to the terminal (with color highlighting) or converted to a string.In
, define the following function:eval :: Monad m => HiExpr -> m (Either HiError HiValue)
One might wonder why we need the
Monad m
part. Indeed, for arithmetic operations, a simpler type would be sufficient:eval :: HiExpr -> Either HiError HiValue
However, the monadic context will come into play later, when we start implementing IO actions (file system access, random number generation, and so on).
The executable component consists just of a single file, Main.hs
Using the haskeline
package, implement a REPL in Main.hs
that uses parse
, eval
, and prettyValue
defined above. It’s going to be just 15–20 lines of code, but you will use it all the time to test your implementation.
Here’s an example session that will become possible as soon as we implement arithmetic operations:
hi> mul(2, 10) 20
hi> sub(1000, 7) 993
hi> div(3, 5) 0.6
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunDiv | HiFunMul | HiFunAdd | HiFunSub
data HiValue = ... | HiValueNumber Rational | HiValueFunction HiFun
data HiExpr = ... | HiExprValue HiValue | HiExprApply HiExpr [HiExpr]
data HiError = ... | HiErrorInvalidArgument | HiErrorInvalidFunction | HiErrorArityMismatch | HiErrorDivideByZero
Numbers are represented using the
type fromData.Ratio
.In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Built-in names
, andsub
, that are parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructors (and then wrapped inHiValueFunction
).Numeric literals, such as
, or1.2e5
, that are parsed intoHiValueNumber
(tip: useText.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer.scientific
).Function application
f(a, b, c, ...)
that is parsed intoHiExprApply
For example, the expression
div(add(10, 15.1), 3)
is represented by the following syntax tree:HiExprApply (HiExprValue (HiValueFunction HiFunDiv)) [ HiExprApply (HiExprValue (HiValueFunction HiFunAdd)) [ HiExprValue (HiValueNumber (10 % 1)), HiExprValue (HiValueNumber (151 % 10)) ], HiExprValue (HiValueNumber (3 % 1)) ]
In the evaluator, implement the arithmetic operations:
add(500, 12)
evaluates to512
(addition)sub(10, 100)
evaluates to-90
(subtraction)mul(23, 768)
evaluates to17664
(multiplication)div(57, 190)
evaluates to0.3
Nested function applications are allowed:
div(add(mul(2, 5), 1), sub(11,6))
evaluates to2.2
The following errors must be returned as
: functions called with an incorrect amount of arguments, e.g.sub(1)
orsub(1, 2, 3)
: thediv
function is called with0
as its second argument, e.g.div(1, 0)
ordiv(1, sub(5, 5))
: numbers are used in function positions, e.g.15(2)
: functions are used in numeric positions, e.g.sub(10, add)
You are advised to use the
monad transformer to propagateHiError
through the evaluator.In the pretty-printer, define the following special cases for rendering numbers:
- integers:
- finite decimal fractions:
- fractions:
- mixed fractions:
5 + 1/3
,-10 - 1/7
,24 + 3/11
You will find these functions useful:
from thescientific
- integers:
The following session in the REPL should be possible if you have implemented all of the above correctly:
hi> 100 100
hi> -15 -15
hi> add(100, -15) 85
hi> add(3, div(14, 100)) 3.14
hi> div(10, 3) 3 + 1/3
hi> sub(mul(201, 11), 0.33) 2210.67
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunNot | HiFunAnd | HiFunOr | HiFunLessThan | HiFunGreaterThan | HiFunEquals | HiFunNotLessThan | HiFunNotGreaterThan | HiFunNotEquals | HiFunIf
data HiValue = ... | HiValueBool Bool
In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Built-in names
, that are parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructors.Built-in names
that are parsed intoHiValueBool
In the evaluator, implement the new operations.
Boolean algebra:
evaluates tofalse
(negation)and(true, false)
evaluates tofalse
(conjunction)or(true, false)
evaluates totrue
Equality checking:
equals(10, 10)
evaluates totrue
equals(false, false)
evaluates totrue
equals(3, 10)
evaluates tofalse
equals(1, true)
evaluates tofalse
(no implicit cast)
less-than(3, 10)
evaluates totrue
less-than(false, true)
evaluates totrue
less-than(false, 0)
evaluates totrue
is less thanNumber
- for all
,greater-than(A, B) ≡ less-than(B, A)
holds - for all
,not-equals(A, B) ≡ not(equals(A, B))
holds - for all
,not-less-than(A, B) ≡ not(less-than(A, B))
holds - for all
,not-greater-than(A, B) ≡ not(greater-than(A, B))
- for all
,if(true, A, B) ≡ A
holds - for all
,if(false, A, B) ≡ B
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> false false
hi> equals(add(2, 2), 4) true
hi> less-than(mul(999, 99), 10000) false
hi> if(greater-than(div(2, 5), div(3, 7)), 1, -1) -1
hi> and(less-than(0, 1), less-than(1, 0)) false
Note also that functions are values:
hi> if(true, add, mul) add
hi> if(true, add, mul)(10, 10) 20
hi> if(false, add, mul)(10, 10) 100
Functions can also be tested for equality:
hi> equals(add, add) true
hi> equals(add, mul) false
The check is trivial: a function is equal only to itself.
Ordering of function symbols is implementation-defined, that is, it’s up to you whether less-than(add, mul)
or greater-than(add, mul)
In the parser, add support for infix operators. The precedence and associativity are the same as in Haskell.
For all A B
A / B
parses todiv(A, B)
A * B
parses tomul(A, B)
A + B
parses toadd(A, B)
A - B
parses tosub(A, B)
A < B
parses toless-than(A, B)
A > B
parses togreater-than(A, B)
A >= B
parses tonot-less-than(A, B)
A <= B
parses tonot-greater-than(A, B)
A == B
parses toequals(A, B)
A /= B
parses tonot-equals(A, B)
A && B
parses toand(A, B)
A || B
parses toor(A, B)
Tip: use makeExprParser
from the parser-combinators
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> 2 + 2 4
hi> 2 + 2 * 3 8
hi> (2 + 2) * 3 12
hi> 2 + 2 * 3 == (2 + 2) * 3 false
hi> 10 == 25 && 143 == 1113 true
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunLength | HiFunToUpper | HiFunToLower | HiFunReverse | HiFunTrim
data HiValue = ... | HiValueNull | HiValueString Text
Strings are represented using the
type from thetext
package.In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Bulit-in names
, that are parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructors.Built-in name
that is parsed intoHiValueNull
.String literals, such as
, or"header\nfooter"
, that are parsed intoHiValueString
(tip: useText.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer.charLiteral
In the evaluator, implement the new operations:
length("Hello World")
evaluates to11
to-upper("Hello World")
evaluates to"HELLO WORLD"
to-lower("Hello World")
evaluates to"hello world"
evaluates to"desserts"
trim(" Hello World ")
evaluates to"Hello World"
Then overload existing operations to work on strings:
"Hello" + "World"
evaluates to"HelloWorld"
"Cat" * 5
evaluates to"CatCatCatCatCat"
(tip: usestimes
)"/home/user" / "hi"
evaluates to"/home/user/hi"
When a string is used as a function of one argument, perform a lookup:
"Hello World"(0)
evaluates to"H"
"Hello World"(7)
evaluates to"o"
Out-of-bounds indexing returns
:"Hello World"(-1)
evaluates tonull
"Hello World"(99)
evaluates tonull
When a string is used as a function of two arguments, take a slice:
"Hello World"(0, 5)
evaluates to"Hello"
"Hello World"(2, 4)
evaluates to"ll"
(Advanced) When a slice index is negative, implement the Python semantics of indexing from the end of the string:
"Hello World"(0, -4)
evaluates to"Hello W"
"Hello World"(-4, -1)
evaluates to"orl"
When a slice index is
, treat it as the start/end of the string:"Hello, World"(2, null)
evaluates to"llo, World"
"Hello, World"(null, 5)
evaluates to"Hello"
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> to-upper("what a nice language")(7, 11) "NICE"
hi> "Hello" == "World" false
hi> length("Hello" + "World") 10
hi> length("hehe" * 5) / 3 6 + 2/3
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunList | HiFunRange | HiFunFold
data HiValue = ... | HiValueList (Seq HiValue)
Lists are represented using the
type from thecontainers
package.In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Built-in names
, that are parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructors.List literals, written as
[A, B, C, ...]
, that are parsed into function applicationlist(A, B, C, ...)
In the evaluator, implement the new operations:
list(1, 2, 3)
range(5, 10.3)
evaluates to[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
fold(add, [11, 22, 33])
evaluates to66
fold(mul, [11, 22, 33])
evaluates to7986
fold(div, [11, 22, 33])
evaluates to1/66
(left fold)
Then overload existing operations to work on lists:
length([1, true, "Hello"])
evaluates to3
reverse([1, true, "Hello"])
evaluates to["Hello", true, 1]
[1, 2] + [3, 4, 5]
evaluates to[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[0, "x"] * 3
evaluates to[0, "x", 0, "x", 0, "x"]
(tip: usestimes
When a list is used as a function, perform indexing/slicing:
["hello", true, "world"](1)
evaluates totrue
["hello", true, "world"](1,3)
evaluates to[true, "world"]
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
hi> fold(add, [2, 5] * 3) 21
hi> fold(mul, range(1, 10)) 3628800
hi> [0, true, false, "hello", "world"](2, 4) [ false, "hello" ]
hi> reverse(range(0.5, 70/8)) [ 8.5, 7.5, 6.5, 5.5, 4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5, 0.5 ]
Lists of bytes (numbers from 0
to 255
) can be represented and processed more efficiently. Let us introduce a new value type for them.
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunPackBytes | HiFunUnpackBytes | HiFunEncodeUtf8 | HiFunDecodeUtf8 | HiFunZip | HiFunUnzip | HiFunSerialise | HiFunDeserialise
data HiValue = ... | HiValueBytes ByteString
Bytes are represented using the strict
type from thebytestring
package.In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Built-in names
, anddeserialise
, that are parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructors.Byte array literals, such as
[# 01 3f ec #]
that are parsed intoHiValueBytes
. Each element is a two-digit hexadecimal number.
In the evaluator, implement the new operations:
pack-bytes([ 3, 255, 158, 32 ])
evaluates to[# 03 ff 9e 20 #]
unpack-bytes([# 10 20 30 #])
evaluates to[16, 32, 48]
evaluates to[# 48 65 6c 6c 6f 21 #]
decode-utf8([# 48 65 6c 6c 6f #])
evaluates to"Hello"
decode-utf8([# c3 28 #])
evaluates tonull
(invalid UTF-8 byte sequence)zip
compresses the bytes using thezlib
package (specifybestCompression
turns any value into bytes using theserialise
package- for all
,unzip(zip(A)) ≡ A
holds - for all
,deserialise(serialise(A)) ≡ A
Then overload existing operations to work on bytes:
[# 00 ff #] + [# 01 e3 #]
evaluates to[# 00 ff 01 e3 #]
[# 00 ff #] * 3
evaluates to[# 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff #]
(tip: usestimes
When bytes are used as a function, perform indexing/slicing as with strings and lists:
[# 00 ff 01 e3 #](1)
evaluates to255
[# 00 ff 01 e3 #](1,3)
evaluates to[# ff 01 #]
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> pack-bytes(range(30, 40)) [# 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 #]
hi> zip(encode-utf8("Hello, World!" * 1000)) [# 78 da ed c7 31 0d 00 20 0c 00 30 2b f0 23 64 0e 30 00 df 92 25 f3 7f a0 82 af fd 1a 37 b3 d6 d8 d5 79 66 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 fc c9 03 ca 0f 3b 28 #]
hi> decode-utf8([# 68 69 #] * 5) "hihihihihi"
hi> unzip([# 78 da 63 64 62 06 00 00 0d 00 07 #]) [# 01 02 03 #]
In this task we extend the language with I/O capabilities. We consider it to be the most important part of the homework and it is graded with extra points.
Let us start by creating a new type in HW3.Base
that encodes the available actions:
data HiAction =
HiActionRead FilePath
| HiActionWrite FilePath ByteString
| HiActionMkDir FilePath
| HiActionChDir FilePath
| HiActionCwd
Now recall that the type of our eval
function is as follows:
eval :: Monad m => HiExpr -> m (Either HiError HiValue)
We could just require m
to be IO
in order to execute the actions, but that would be bad design, as it would make it impossible to do evaluation in a pure, deterministic context (e.g. for tests). Instead, let us create a new class in HW3.Base
class Monad m => HiMonad m where
runAction :: HiAction -> m HiValue
One could imagine at least a few possible instances of this class:
, where those actions could interact with the actual file systemIdentity
, where the actions do nothing and returnnull
State FS
, whereFS
is a pure and deterministic in-memory simulation of the file systemReaderT Permissions IO
, which can be more secure thanIO
by controlling whether the program has read-only or read-write access
While it would be useful to implement all of those, we shall limit ourselves to the last one to avoid making the task unnecessarily tedious.
In a new module HW3.Action
, declare the following:
data HiPermission = AllowRead | AllowWrite
data PermissionException = PermissionRequired HiPermission
instance Exception PermissionException
newtype HIO a = HIO { runHIO :: Set HiPermission -> IO a }
Finally, let us change the type of eval
as follows:
With those preliminaries out of the way, we can start integrating the actions into the rest of the language.
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunRead | HiFunWrite | HiFunMkDir | HiFunChDir
data HiValue = ... | HiValueAction HiAction
data HiExpr = ... | HiExprRun HiExpr
In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Built-in names
, that are parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructors.Built-in name
that is parsed intoHiValueAction HiActionCwd
notation that is parsed intoHiExprRun
, orcwd!
In the evaluator, implement the new functions to return the corresponding actions:
evaluates toread("hi.txt")
. While visually the same, internally the first one isHiExprApply
and the second one isHiValueAction
.write("hi.txt", "Hi!")
evaluates towrite("hi.txt", [# 48 69 21 #])
evaluates tomkdir("dir")
evaluates tocd("dir")
Then implement the
construct, which should execute the action usingrunAction
that we defined earlier.Define the
HiMonad HIO
instance, such that:cwd!
returns the current working directorycd("mydir")!
changes the current working directory tomydir
returns the contents ofmyfile
if the contents are valid UTF-8 andHiValueBytes
returns the directory listing ofmydir
write("myfile", "Hello")!
creates a new directorymydir
Use the
package to implement all of the above.Implement permission control in
HiMonad HIO
, so that actions throwPermissionException
) unless they are allowed.AllowRead
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> mkdir("tmp")! null
hi> read("tmp")! []
hi> mkdir("tmp/a")! null
hi> mkdir("tmp/b")! null
hi> read("tmp")! [ "a", "b" ]
hi> write("tmp/hi.txt", "Hello")! null
hi> cd("tmp")! null
hi> read("hi.txt")! "Hello"
Note that actions are just values and only !
forces their execution:
hi> read read
hi> read("hi.txt") read("hi.txt")
hi> read("hi.txt")! "Hello"
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunParseTime
data HiValue = ... | HiValueTime UTCTime
data HiAction = ... | HiActionNow
Time is represented using the
type from thetime
package.Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiPermission = ... | AllowTime
In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Built-in name
that is parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructor.Built-in name
that is parsed into the correspondingHiAction
In the evaluator, implement
to parse aHiValueString
into aHiValueTime
, orHiValueNull
in case of failure.In the
HiMonad HIO
instance, implement theHiActionNow
to return the current system time. It requires theAllowTime
permission.In the evaluator, overload existing operations to work on time:
parse-time("2021-12-15 00:00:00 UTC") + 1000
evaluates toparse-time("2021-12-15 00:16:40 UTC")
)parse-time("2021-12-15 00:37:51.000890793 UTC") - parse-time("2021-12-15 00:37:47.649047038 UTC")
evaluates to3.351843755
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> now! parse-time("2021-12-15 00:42:33.02949461 UTC")
hi> parse-time("2021-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 parse-time("2022-01-01 00:00:00 UTC")
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunRand
data HiAction = ... | HiActionRand Int Int
In the parser, add support for the built-in name
that is parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructor.In the evaluator, implement the new function:
rand(0, 10)
evaluates torand(0, 10)
. While visually the same, internally the first one isHiExprApply
and the second one isHiValueAction
Extend the
HiMonad HIO
instance, so that:rand(0, 5)!
evaluates to0
, or5
- the distribution of random numbers is uniform
Tip: use the
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> rand rand
hi> rand(0, 10) rand( 0, 10 )
hi> rand(0, 10)! 8
hi> rand(0, 10)! 3
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunEcho
data HiAction = ... | HiActionEcho Text
In the parser, add support for the built-in name
that is parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructor.In the evaluator, implement the new function:
evaluates toecho("Hello")
. While visually the same, internally the first one isHiExprApply
and the second one isHiValueAction
Extend the
HiMonad HIO
instance, so thatecho("Hello")!
followed by a newline tostdout
. It requires theAllowWrite
permission.In the evaluator, ensure that
if(true, A, B)
does not evaluateB
, andif(false, A, B)
does not evaluateA
.Then generalise
A && B
as follows:- if
, returnA
without evaluatingB
- otherwise, evaluate and return
A || B
as follows:- if
, evaluate and returnB
- otherwise, return
without evaluatingB
- if
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> echo echo
hi> echo("Hello") echo("Hello")
hi> echo("Hello")! Hello null
hi> "Hello"(0) || "Z" "H"
hi> "Hello"(99) || "Z" "Z"
hi> if(2 == 2, echo("OK")!, echo("WTF")!) OK null
hi> true || echo("Don't do this")! true
hi> false && echo("Don't do this")! false
hi> [# 00 ff #] && echo("Just do it")! Just do it null
Extend the data types in
to include the following constructors:data HiFun = ... | HiFunCount | HiFunKeys | HiFunValues | HiFunInvert
data HiValue = ... | HiValueDict (Map HiValue HiValue)
data HiExpr = ... | HiExprDict [(HiExpr, HiExpr)]
Dictionaries are represented using the
type from thecontainers
package.In the parser, add support for the following constructs:
Built-in names
, that are parsed into the correspondingHiFun
constructors.Dictionary literals, written as
{ I: A, J: B, K: C }
, for example:{ "width": 120, "height": 80 }
{ 1: true, 3: true, 4: false }
Dot access, written as
, that is parsed into function applicationE("fld")
. For example, the following holds:{ "width": 120, "height": 80 }.width ≡ { "width": 120, "height": 80 }("width")
In the evaluator, implement the new operations:
{ "width": 120, "height": 80 }("width")
evaluates to120
keys({ "width": 120, "height": 80 })
evaluates to["height", "width"]
(sorted)values({ "width": 120, "height": 80 })
evaluates to[80, 120]
(sorted by key)count("XXXOX")
evaluates to{ "O": 1, "X": 4 }
count([# 58 58 58 4f 58 #])
evaluates to{ 79: 1, 88: 4 }
count([true, true, false, true])
evaluates to{ false: 1, true: 3 }
invert({ "x": 1, "y" : 2, "z": 1 })
evaluates to{ 1: [ "z", "x" ], 2: ["y"] }
The following session in the REPL should be possible:
hi> count("Hello World").o 2
hi> invert(count("big blue bag")) { 1: [ "u", "l", "i", "e", "a" ], 2: [ "g", " " ], 3: ["b"] }
hi> fold(add, values(count("Hello, World!"))) 13