A LaTeX document class for ACM SIGCHI conference proceedings.
This class is a rewrite of the sigchi.cls
style. It is based on the article
class and works better with modern LaTeX tools and packages.
Refer to documentation/sample.tex
for a more complete example and
\confdate{April 25--30}
\conflocation{Honolulu, HI, USA}
\title{Example SIGCHI Conference Proceedings Paper}
\author[1]{Person A}
\author[2]{Person B}
\affiliation[1]{University A\\
\mailto{[email protected]}}
\affiliation[2]{Company B\\
\mailto{[email protected]}}
\caption{Optional banner figure (spans 2 columns).}
\keywords{Guides; examples; documentation.}
\ccsdesc[500]{Human-centered computing~Human computer interaction (HCI)}
\ccsdesc[300]{Human-centered computing~Haptic devices}
\ccsdesc[100]{Human-centered computing~User studies}