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Streamlit file browser

A streamlit component serve as web file browser from local directory.


pip install streamlit-file-browser

Usage Example

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_file_browser import st_file_browser

st.header('Default Options')
event = st_file_browser("example_artifacts", key='A')

st.header('With Artifacts Server, Allow choose file, disable download')
event = st_file_browser("example_artifacts", artifacts_site="http://localhost:1024", show_choose_file=True, show_download_file=False, key='B')

st.header('Show only molecule files')
event = st_file_browser("example_artifacts", artifacts_site="http://localhost:1024", show_choose_file=True, show_download_file=False, glob_patterns=('molecule/*',), key='C')


name usage type required default
key react key string No. But I suggest giving each component a different key None
path the path of dir strubg Yes
show_preview if preview the file be clicked bool No True
show_preview_top Whether to render the preview above the file browser bool No False
glob_patterns To control file shows, the usage is the same as the patterns of glob.glob string (regex) No '**/*'
ignore_file_select_event If ignore the 'file_selected' event bool No False
extentions Only show the files included in the extentions list No None
show_delete_file If show the button of delete file bool No False
show_choose_file If show the button of choose file bool No False
show_download_file If show the button of download file bool No True
show_new_folder If show the button of new folder bool No False
show_upload_file If show the button of upload file bool No False
limit File number limit int No 10000
artifacts_site If you don't use the use_static_file_server mode, when you want to preview a file, you need to provide a proxy service to find the file string No None
artifacts_download_site If you don't use the use_static_file_server mode, when you want to download a file, you need to provide a proxy service to find the file string No None
use_cache If cache file tree bool No False
use_static_file_server If use static file server mode bool No False
static_file_server_path Static file server path string No None

Run example

  1. Download the repo & enter the repo
git clone [email protected]:pragmatic-streamlit/streamlit-file-browser.git
cd streamlit-file-browser
  1. Install frontend package
cd streamlit_file_browser/frontend/
npm install
  1. Set develop env
  1. Start frontend and python server
cd streamlit_file_browser/frontend/ && npm run start
cd ../ && streamlit run

launch preview

Static File Server Mode

Streamlit file browser support custom file server. You can provide a file server path.

For example

event = st_file_browser(os.path.join(current_path, "..", "example_artifacts/static_file_server/root"),

There is a demo in this repo, you can enter the example_artifacts/static_file_server path and run sh to start the custom file sesrver. static static-preview

The custom static file server use this repo:

It has better performance in terms of function and performance, and you can also directly use this repo as a static file service.